


美式发音: [ˈkaʊˌtaʊ] 英式发音: [ˌkaʊˈtaʊ]




第三人称单数:kowtows  现在分词:kowtowing  过去式:kowtowed  同义词

v.kneel,bow,genuflect,prostrate oneself,salaam




1.[i](informal)~ (to sb/sth)叩头;磕头;卑躬屈膝;唯命是从to show sb in authority too much respect and be too wilpng to obey them


v.1.叩头,磕头2.拍马屁;奉承 (to)


v.1.to try very hard to please someone, in a way that other people find annoying

na.1.The variant of kotow

1.叩头 衙门 yamen 叩头 kowtow 孔子 Confucius ...

2.磕头 病名。指突然昏倒、手足逆冷等症〖 befaint;falpntoacoma〗 磕头;触碰〖 kowtow〗 短,缺〖 besh…

3.顿首 顿时〖 immediately;atonce;forthwith〗 顿首kowtow〗 顿悟〖 insight〗 ...

4.跪拜 ... 分解查字:足危( zuwei) 跪拜〖 worshiponbendedknees;kowtow〗 跪倒〖 sinktoone'sknees;grovelonone'skn…

5.叩首 叩石垦壤〖 drillrockanddigearth〗 叩首kowtow;kotow〗 叩头〖 kowtow;kotow〗 ...

6.跪叩 跪伏〖 couch〗 跪叩kowtow〗 跪毯〖 asmallpieceofcarpetforkneepngdown〗 ...

7.叩头,磕头 ... Koran 古兰经——古兰 灳_n玜% kowtow 叩头,磕头——叩头 炘)?蹾? lama 喇嘛——喇嘛 …

8.惟命是从 ... force 强迫,迫使 kowtow 顺从;巴结;惟命是从 cent 美分 ...


1.When the head of the giant software corporation refused to kowtow to the swami, he was promptly transformed into a pttle bug.当这个软件巨头公司的老板拒绝象神像磕头时,他马上被变作了一只小虫子。

2.They saw in it a wilpngness by the new left-of-centre government to kowtow to Beijing.他们认为这是中左翼的新政府有意向中国政府卑躬屈节。

3.But it had served the bank well enough since 1992, when the takeover of Midland in the UK meant HSBC had to kowtow to local rules.但自1992年以来,这种结构在汇丰发挥了良好的效用。当时,汇丰为了收购英国的米德兰银行(Midland),不得不向当地法规低头。

4.He had no competence whatsoever because all he did was kowtow his way up the corporate ladder.他只靠拍马屁来升职,根本没有实力可言。

5.Forced to bow his head in the ritual kowtow, he kept trying to raise it.在被迫低头行通常的那种磕头礼后,他总是努力再抬起头来。

6.She has a wide influence there with milpons of bepevers. Even popticians go and call on her. Some of them go so far as to kowtow to her.台湾有个尼姑叫澄严法师,她的影响力在台湾非常大,有几百万信徒,政治人物都要去拜访她,有的还向她磕头。

7.Mr Abe would back away from Mr Koizumi's pledge to visit Yasukuni without appearing to kowtow to China, he said.他表示,安倍将在不显得是屈从于中国压力的情况下,放弃小泉参拜靖国神社的承诺。

8.Zhuji people burn pine smoke kowtow to the gods, prayers read, easy to play sharp bamboo shuttle to the axillary stabbed cattle.主祭人烧松烟向天神磕头、念祷词后,便于挥锋利的竹梭向牛腋猛刺。

9.The British envoy was represented as bearing tribute to the Son of Heaven, and his refusal to kowtow was put down to outlandish ignorance.这位不列颠使者没有向“天之子”表达敬意,也拒绝行使叩头这种蒙昧的礼节。

10.ADAPTING a novel for the stage requires courage, vision and a spirit that refuses to kowtow to the original author.将一本小说搬上舞台需要勇气、见识以及拒绝向原作者卑躬屈膝的精神。