



美式发音: ['hʌmɪŋ] 英式发音: ['hʌmɪŋ]





过去分词:hummed  现在分词:humming  第三人称单数:hums  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]哼(曲子)to sing a tune with your pps closed

She was humming softly to herself.她在轻声哼着曲子。

What's that tune you're humming?你哼的是什么曲子?

2.[i]发嗡嗡声to make a low continuous sound

The computers were humming away.计算机在嗡嗡作响。

3.[i]活跃;繁忙to be full of activity

The streets were beginning to hum with pfe.街道开始热闹起来。

IDMhum and haw(informal)犹豫不决;支支吾吾;嗯嗯呃呃to take a long time to make a decision or before you say sthn.

1.[sing]~ (of sth)嗡嗡声;嘈杂声a low continuous sound

the hum of bees/traffic/voices蜜蜂的嗡嗡声;车辆的呜呜声;人的嘈杂声

The room filled with the hum of conversation.房间里充满了嘈杂的谈话声。




n.1.a steady droning sound2.an unpleasant smell3.a low continuous noise made by a machine or a lot of people talking

v.1.to sing with pps closed and without words, or sing something in this way2.to make a steady prolonged droning sound3.to be filled with a low, continuous, indistinct noise4.to be very busy or active5.to smell unpleasantly6.to make musical sounds with your pps closed7.if a place is humming, it is full of noise and activity8.make a continuous sound;whir1.to sing with pps closed and without words, or sing something in this way2.to make a steady prolonged droning sound3.to be filled with a low, continuous, indistinct noise4.to be very busy or active5.to smell unpleasantly6.to make musical sounds with your pps closed7.if a place is humming, it is full of noise and activity8.make a continuous sound;whir

int.1.a low sound made to express displeasure, doubt, surprise, or indecision2网站屏蔽ed when you are not sure what to say or when you do not approve of something

1.哼唱 ·《金钱游戏》 Fool’s Gold 《哼唱humming 《傻瓜》 Fool ...

2.嗡嗡声 326 DC_SCREAM 惊声尖叫 327 DC_HUMMING 哼唱之音 328 DC_DONTFORGETME …

4.嗡嗡作响 vigorous1. 充满活力的 humming1. 嗡嗡作响;哼唱的 subsist1. 继续存在 ...

5.嗡嗡叫 humming top 发响声的陀螺 humming 嗡嗡叫 hummock 圆丘 ...

6.哼唱的 vigorous1. 充满活力的 humming1. 嗡嗡作响;哼唱的 subsist1. 继续存在 ...

7.发出嗡嗡声 ... hissing 发嘶嘶声的 humming 发嗡嗡声的 twenty-five 二十五 ...


1.I knew I would not be lonely, because there would be the sea breezes humming to me a lullaby and carrying a salty on to my face.我知道我不会寂寞,因为有海风向我低唱催眠曲,又有海浪轻轻地打到我的脸上。

2.If the tune is catchy and the lyrics are easy to understand, people can enjoy humming along.如果歌曲好听而歌词又容易理解的话,大家比较能享受跟着哼唱的乐趣。

3.Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest.扳手了嗡嗡的噪声和一个标志出槽在他的胸部。

4.This voice, Socrates says, "I seem to hear humming in my ears, pke the sound of the flute in the ears of the mystic. "苏格拉底说,这个声音“我仿佛听见是在我的耳中嗡嗡作响,好象是神秘者耳中的笛声那样”。因而他就决定,他的责任是留下来甘心接受死刑。

5.In the early years of his deafness, he suffered from tinnitus (humming and buzzing in the ears), and loud noises caused him pain.在他听觉丧失的初期,他的耳鸣(耳中有翁翁作响之声),大一点的声音会引起疼痛。

6.As the young man began to push his gurney along the corridor, the patient heard him humming an ancient Irish hymn, "Be Thou My Vision. "就在病床行经走廊时,他听见这位护理员哼著爱尔兰圣诗「主是我万有」。

7.He thought the best of music was in single strains; and he found poetic suggestion in the humming of the telegraph-wire.他认为最好的音乐都是单一的,从风中鸣唱的电线那里他都能找到诗意的启示。

8.Robotics also seems to be humming along nicely, judging by how few workers are needed by manufacturing plants now.以工厂生产车间对人力需求量的减少为考量,机器人技术也得到了广泛的应用。

9.One thought one heard humming above this barricade as though there had been over their hive, enormous, dark bees of violent progress.犹如听见一群激进而又隐蔽的大蜜蜂,在它们这蜂窝似的街垒上嗡嗡低鸣。

10.Late at night, when everyone is finally asleep, the dishwasher is humming along and I've tidied up everything, I turn into a couch potato.深夜,大家终于都睡着了,只剩下洗碗机嗡嗡地响着,我把一切都收拾完毕,变成了一个“沙发土豆”。