




1.永乐电器 服装改制 Clothing Alterations 永乐电器 Yongle 彩妆护肤 Cosmetics ...

2.园林 ... Xintian 新乡 Yongle 园林 Zhenxia 中川 ...

3.泳帽 SPEEDO 泳帽 YONGLE 泳帽 JAST 佳斯特泳镜 ...


1.The third Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty and his wife Empress Xu were buried in this tomb.明朝第三位永乐皇帝和他的皇后就埋在此陵。

2.The Zhang clan was a north clan that migrated from Hongtong Shanxi province to Xinxiang Henan province during the Ming' Yongle Dynasty.张氏宗族是明朝永乐年间由山西洪洞迁居河南新乡的北方宗族。

3.Since the Yongle Emperor moved the capital to Peking (Beijing), the more massive construction projects in urban construction repair off.自明成祖迁都北平(北京)后,更大兴土木,修城建关。

4.To ensure the use of ships for his special envoys, Emperor Yongle also ordered all ship manufacturers to be engaged in ship building.为保证出使诏谕海外诸国海船的供应,明成祖即位初期,就命各大造船厂建造大批海船。

5.Ming yongle two years (in 1404) set defending city , so it is called "tianjin wei" .明永乐二年(1404年)筑城设卫,称“天津卫”。

6.In 1991, he produced China's first laser disc, which featured prose poetry and was released by the Shanghai Yongle Video Production Company.1991年,制作了中国第一张散文诗镭射激光影碟(上海永乐影像公司出版)。

7.However, they were retapated after Emperor Yongle replaced Emperor Jianwen, and the northern landlords were supported to develop.但建文帝失败后,江南地主又遭到大肆打击,永乐迁都北京后,大力扶持北方地主的发展。

8.History now takes a dizzying turn: Among the Yongle emperor's first official acts is to commission more than 3, 500 ships.正所谓三十年河东,三十年河西:永乐帝登基后的第一项官方举措就是建造3500余艘舰船。

9.Tianjin is in his second year of accession to the throne as emperor (Yongle year, the Year 1404) to the effect name.天津就是在他登基作皇帝的第二年(永乐二年,公元1404)给起的名字。

10.Yongle pcensed products are also the Consumer Council as a recommendation of goods.永乐牌的产品还被消费者委员会列为推荐商品。