


网络释义:一汽(First Automobile Works);中国一汽(First Auto Works);一汽集团


1.一汽(First Automobile Works) GreatWall( 长城) FAW( 一汽) Jinbei( 金杯) ...

2.中国一汽(First Auto Works) 福特/ Ford 解放/ FAW 斯堪尼亚/ Scania ...

6.中国第一汽车集团公司(First Automotive Works)


1.A spokesman for FAW said he had no knowledge of any talks with Chrysler.上汽的一位发言人表示,他没有听说过公司曾与克莱斯勒进行谈判。

2.The GM chief said the company has 11 joint ventures in China with two of its primary local partners, SAIC Motor Corp. and FAW Group Corp.阿克森说,通用在中国与当地两大合作伙伴上海汽车集团股份有限公司和中国第一汽车集团公司建有11个合资企业。

3.Shanghai worst polluters, exclusive of the whole appears on the market recently about faw, by the time node is estabpshed corporation.上海证券报独家获悉,关于一汽整体上市的最近时间节点是,今年底之前成立股份公司。

4.In the German system of high-performance sedan, FAW- Volkswagen -speed consumers have been vacated.在德系高性能轿车中,一汽大众速腾一直受到消费者喜爱。

5.China FAW Group, as a large car manufacturing company, the problems in the automotive sector has a certain degree of representativeness.一汽集团作为国内一家大型的汽车制造公司,所存在的问题在汽车领域具有一定的代表性。

6.Known as the "repubpc of" the firstborn already moved to the fourth group, faw group "of" unbearable.素有“共和国长子”之誉的一汽集团已后移到第四,成为一汽集团的“不可承受之重”。

7.Phelps is reported to be earning "well into seven figures" for the deal with FAW Mazda.据报道,菲尔普斯将在这单合同中赚到一汽马自达给的“7位数”酬劳。

8.To be responsible for FAW-GM global IT infrastructure, to be responsible to standardize IT of Harbin and Hongta plant.负责建立一汽-通用公司的全球IT架构,负责对总部及哈尔滨、红塔工厂实施IT策略标准化。

9.FAW Group is the only direct face of the user's Zero institutions.是一汽集团唯一直接面对用户的批零机构。

10.Previously, Kim also visited Changchun FAW-21, alleged that the companies will participate in an investment in the DPRK.此前,金正日还在21日访问了长春一汽,据称该企业将参与一项对朝投资。