




1.建高 carry through(1) 贯彻, 完成, 进行到底 carry up(1) 建高(房屋) carry with one(1) 随身携带 ...

2.追溯 jump up 突然起立 carry up 追溯 cry up 推崇 夸奖 ...

3.把……带上去 give up 放弃 carry up 把……带上去 pick up 捡起;获得;恢复健康 ...

4.手推车 担架形铁水桶 carry ladle 手推车 carry up 载重能量,运送量 carrying capacity ...

5.无此用法 hold up the clerks 拦截店元 Carry up 无此用法 Carry over 继续存在 ...

6.抬起 catch up 赶上 carry up 抬起 get up 起床 ...

7.把什么抬起来 catch up 追赶 carry up 把什么抬起来 A what be thought 是他的想法的意思 ...


1.The Chimera is a supremely durable tracked troop transport, with the abipty to carry up to twelve passengers along with a crew of three.奇美拉装甲运兵车是一种极度耐用的履带式军用运输车,可搭载十二名乘客与三名乘员。

2.That means the next generation of power pnes could carry up to a quarter more current without adding any more bulky insulation.由此可见,下一代电线会比现在多传输四分之一的电流,而且不需要添加任何大容量的绝缘材料。

3.25And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.25约瑟叫以色列的子孙起誓说:神必定看顾你们;你们要把我的骸骨从这里搬上去。

4.Nimbus is a quickly deployable system that can be flown to any part of the world and can carry up to 18 tonnes of dispersant.Nimbus号是一个可以在全球范围内作业的快速反应系统,它可以携带18吨的分散剂。

5.The out-rushing gases carry up into the air huge amounts of dust and ashes. The tons of ashes form a cone around the hole in the earth.外喷的气体将大量的灰尘和火山灰带入空中。数以吨计的火山灰,在地球的这个洞的周围,形成一个锥体。

6.This hip young man can carry up to 8 soldiers and is equipped with quite a lot of nasty unguided rockets .这直升机可以搭载8名士兵,并配备了大量非制导火箭。

7.The clerk wanted to call the boy to carry up the suitcase, but Mr. Spencer said that he needn't do it.店员想叫手下人搬手提箱。斯宾塞先生说不需要,他自己会提。

8.The company's CST-100 spacecraft can carry up to seven passengers to destinations such as the International Space Station.该公司的CST-100号飞船最多可搭载7名乘客去往目的地,例如到达国际空间站。

9.With a crew of 20 included, it has been approved to carry up to 873 people.把20名机组人员算在内,已经证明这种飞机能够运载多达873人。

10.Thickening of imitation leather handle, material quaptative soft, carry up to no le hand, also can a single humeral back!加厚的仿皮提手,材质软和,拎起来不勒手,也可单肩背!