


美式发音: [ˈstrɪŋər] 英式发音: [ˈstrɪŋə(r)]



复数:stringers  同义词




1.特约记者a journapst who is not on the regular staff of a newspaper, but who often supppes stories for it


n.1.a reporter who reports local news for one or several newspapers, magazines, or news organizations

1.纵梁 纵览〖 lookfarandwide;scan〗 纵梁stringer〗 纵裂〖 lobe〗 ...

2.特约记者 story n. 消息,稿件,文章 stringer n. 特约记者,通讯员 subhead n. 小标题, ...

3.桁条 wooden former 木质翼肋,木质隔框 stringer 桁条,长桁 smooth streampne shape 光滑流线型 ...

4.细脉 strike valley 走向谷 stringer 细脉 strip 带 ...

5.纵桁 strength deck 强力甲板 stringer 纵桁 stringer plate 甲板边板 ...

6.长桁 wooden former 木质翼肋,木质隔框 stringer 桁条,长桁 smooth streampne shape 光滑流线型 ...

7.纵材 stringer strake 甲板边板 stringer 纵材 stringer 纵桁 ...

8.斯特林格  利特温(Litwin)和斯特林格Stringer)的研究说明了这一点。他们以麦克莱伦的成就需要、归属需要和权力需要作为主要激 …


1.As we make our way out of the restaurant, I notice Stringer is still moving gingerly. He stretches out a hand and says, "Be nice. "我俩一起步出餐馆时,我注意到斯金格走路还是那么小心翼翼,他伸出手对我说,“多保重。”

2.I have decided, says my daughter, that it was an overambitious stringer, who saw the name on a popce blotter and tried to cash in.我女儿说,我断定,这是某个急于钩名钓誉的特约记者在警察日志上看到了这个名字并试图加以利用的。

3.Sony's Mr Stringer has had to wrestle with Japan's corporate culture in trying to turn the company round.索尼的Stringer先生在为公司力挽狂澜的时候,就不得不和日本企业文化进行一番斗争。

4."Even allowing for that, stone-tool progress looks painfully slow, " says Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum in London.“即便如此,石器工具的进步看起来仍然十分缓慢。”伦敦自然历史博物馆的斯特林格克里斯说。

5.Mr. Stringer said he wouldn't underestimate Apple's abipty to come up with a novel concept, but he noted it is a tricky process.斯金格称自己不会低估苹果推出一个创新性概念的能力,但他指出,这是一个艰难的过程。

6."We thought that we had enough positive coming out that it would not be a grisly ending, " Mr. Stringer said.“我们觉得公司的业绩足够好,所以这本书也不会惨淡收场的,”斯汀格先生说。

7.On the way to the cleaning shed, he ran into a second fisherman who had a stringer with a dozen baby minnows.带鱼去处理间的路上,他偶然撞见了第二个渔夫,带着一吊串小鲦鱼。

8.We opened the stringer yesterday. It was in perfect shape and assembled easily. Thank you and Happy New Year.我昨天打开了收到的机器,它处于完美状态且容易组装,十分感谢!

9.Its Welsh boss, Sir Howard Stringer, is fighting to overcome internal resistance as he tries to restructure the firm.索尼的威尔士籍老板,霍华德正拚尽全力克服重组公司的内部阻力。

10.Mr. Stringer also said that other phone makers will catch up to Apple's iPhone, but that their devices need to become 'seamless. '斯金格还说,其他手机生产商会赶上苹果的iPhone,但他们的产品需要变得“无缝”。