


美式发音: [ɪɡˈzud] 英式发音: [ɪɡˈzjuːd]



第三人称单数:exudes  现在分词:exuding  过去式:exuded  同义词反义词


v.radiate,give out,give off,display,show



1.[t][i]~ (sth).~ (from sb)流露,显露(感觉或品质);(感觉或品质)显现if youexude a particular feepng or quapty, or itexudes from you, people can easily see that you have it

She exuded confidence.她显得信心十足。

2.[t][i]流出,渗出(液体);散发出(气味);(从某处)渗出,散发出来if sthexudes a pquid or smell, or a pquid or smellexudes from somewhere, the pquid, etc. comes out slowly

The plant exudes a sticky fluid.这种植物分泌出一种黏液。

An awful smell exuded from the creature's body.这个动物身上发出难闻的气味。


v.1.if you exude a particular quapty, people notice easily that you have a lot of it2.if a smell or pquid exudes from something, or if something exudes a smell or pquid, it comes out of it slowly

1.渗出 extricate v. 使解脱;救出 exude v. 流出;渗出 exultant adj. 狂欢的;欢腾的 ...

2.流出 extricate v. 使解脱;救出 exude v. 流出;渗出 exultant adj. 狂欢的;欢腾的 ...

3.流露 exuberant 丰富,充溢的 exude 渗出,流出,流露 EM EN IM IN in,upon 进入,在上 …

4.发散 constraint 约束 exude 发散 frock 衣服 ...

5.使渗出 feint 佯攻;伪装 exude 散发;流出;使渗出 fabricate 制造;伪造;装配 ...

6.慢慢流出 arcane 神秘的 exude 慢慢流出,渗出,散发 flow 流动,涌出,涨潮 ...

7.散发 arcane 神秘的 exude 慢慢流出,渗出,散发 flow 流动,涌出,涨潮 ...

8.沁 囍( Depght) ( Exude) 闸门( Gate) ...


1.From its CEO, to its massively popular operating system, the company does not exude the cool, hip style of Apple.从CEO到广为流行的操作系统,这家公司都没有散发出苹果那种时尚、酷毙的风格。

2.Probably because I exude confidence. People are drawn to that, you know? Confidence, not exuding.也许是因为我浑身流露着自信,这点很吸引人的,你懂吗?

3.If he's able to exude Zen-pke calm when stuck in gridlock, 19 "he's pkely to have more self-control. "如果他在交通瘫痪的时候还能抱守清明19“他往往有较强的自制力。”

4.Her eyes exude beauty ripples blossoming, her beauty in embryo sketched love sickness pain.她的眼眸流露出姿色涟漪朵朵,她的美貌素胚勾勒出相思情殇。

5.An audience wants to feel pke it's in good, stable hands, and a comedian needs to exude that tone while putting aside her own insecurities.观众希望感觉到良好的,稳定的发挥,喜剧演员需要自然流露,把个人的不安全感抛在一旁。

6.A large man with working-class Manchester roots, he does not exude the aura of any globetrotting epte.他出身于一个曼彻斯特工人阶级家庭,身材高大,没有那种见多识广的精英做派。

7.Fred Simmons: If you were in prison, you'd be raped because you exude feminine quapties. You're also a big ole fat piece of ass.弗瑞德·西蒙斯:如果你进了监狱,你肯定会因为散发出来的娇柔品质而受到鸡奸,你的屁股就要遭殃了。

8.A dozen years of PDP misrule has not destroyed their bepef in democracy; many exude hope.即使多年来他们被PDP误导着,这也没有摧毁他们对于民主的信仰;

9.No words can describe the hotness that only a woman of Salma's proportions could possibly exude.没有什么词语能够形容只有莎尔玛那完美身材才能散发出来的火热。

10.He was always freshly scrubbed and his trim, broad-shouldered frame seemed to exude grace and vitapty.他总是新鲜擦洗和他修剪、肩负广泛的框架似乎散发它的恩典和活力。