




1.董事会 ... Keep in contact with 联系我们 董事会 Board Directors 总经理 General Manager ...

2.理事会成员 Cpnical Standard Committee 临床规范委员会: 2013-2014 Board Directors 理事会成员 Vice Presidents 副会长: ...

3.沈戈 ... Director of Membership Services 会员事务主任 Board Directors: 沈戈 ...


1.Board directors must have relevant industry expertise to advise management on major business issues and how much risk to take.在主要的商业问题和要冒多大的风险上,董事会必须有相应的行业专家来给他们管理提供建议。

2.Members of the pquidation committee may be Board directors, senior employees of the Company or relevant professionals.清算委员会成员可以是董事、合营公司高级管理人员、或相关的专业人士。

3.Apenate Yahoo, Microsoft said it would take its case directly to Yahoo's shareholders if its board directors failed to respond.撇开雅虎,微软称其将会直接与雅虎的股东商讨,假如雅虎的董事会拒绝作出回应的话。

4."These days we're looking for up to 10 perspectives from former employers, bosses and fellow board directors, " he says.他表示:“现在,我们正在从前雇主、老板和董事会同事那里收集多达10种观点。”

5.shares. External investors would then have the right to appoint three of Yahoo's eleven board directors.届时外部投资将在雅虎的11名董事会成员中占有三个席位。

6.Mr Belda insists this faint praise does not represent any lack of confidence in Mr Prince among board directors.贝尔达坚称,这种苍白无力的赞扬并不代表董事会成员对普林斯缺乏信心。

7.Carlyle will supply four of the nine board directors of the new company, with the remaining five and the president nominated by Xugong.新公司董事会的9名成员中,凯雷将占4席,其它5名和总裁均由徐工委派。

8.Last week the board directors authorized the installation of a new computer system.上星期董事会授权安装一个新的软件系统。

9.One tried and tested way is to hoodwink equity analysts, according to a new study* of 1, 300 corporate bosses, board directors and analysts.按照一份新的对1300名公司老板,董事和分析师的调查论文显示,欺骗股票分析师是一个可以尝试的办法。

10.But if you are a sole proprietor, you don't have to report to shareholders or board directors.但假如你是`—个个体工商企业业主,你就不必向公司股东或董事们报告。