




1.新古典理论第一项 新古典理论Neoclassical Theory) 10第二项 Coase的厂商理论 11第三项 Alchian 与 Demsetz的厂商理论 12第四项 …

2.新古典理論或低度开发国家。例如:新古典理論Neoclassical Theory)、区位理論

3.新古典经济学派理论壹、 新古典经济学派理论 (Neoclassical Theory) 9贰、 代理理论 (Agency Theory) 10参、 交易成本理论 (Transaction Cost The…

4.新古典经济学理论(二)新古典经济学理论Neoclassical theory)新古典经济学家将经济学中供给与需求关系引入人口迁移的研究中,认为劳动 …


1.Behavioural economists point out cases in which our decisions don't match neoclassical theory, and thus the "as if" defence fails.行为经济学家指出,在一些案例中,我们的决定与新古典主义经济理论并不相符,因此“宛若”理论不成立。

2.Efforts to use the neoclassical theory of the firm in an all-purpose way nevertheless persisted.然而,仍然存在一些尝试想把新古典企业理论作为一种万能工具来使用。

3.Meanwhile, the Nobel-winning neoclassical theory of the so-called business cycle "explains" it by blaming events outside the market.同时,荣膺诺贝尔奖、有关所谓商业周期的新古典主义理论,通过指责市场以外的事件对它进行“解释”。

4.The short of it is that too much was being asked of the neoclassical theory of the firm.简而言之,针对新古典企业理论已经提出了太多的问题。

5.And the foundations of neoclassical theory were laid when scientists were exploring the notion of thermodynamic equipbrium.而新古典主义理论的基础,是在科学家们探索热力学平衡的概念时打下的。

6.Some Difficulties in the Neoclassical Theory. There are difficulties with this neoclassical model of rational man.新古典经济学的一些困难新古典经济学的理性人模型存在一些困难。

7.So it is tempting to infer that the dominance of neoclassical theory has poptical origins.因此,容易让人做出这样的推断:新古典主义理论占据统治地位,有着其政治根源。

8.The neoclassical theory of distribution teaches us that a person's earnings depend on his or her productivity.分配的新古典理论告诉我们,个人的收入依赖于其生产力。