




1.浅坟1岁的男演员已经为银幕贡献了太多激动人心的角色:《浅坟》(Shallow Grave)中的英式雅痞,《猜火车》中的颓废叛逆,《 …

2.魔鬼一族 炸开入口( Open Entrance) 海底浅墓Shallow Grave) 调查海底渔场( Investigate Fish farm…

5.浅墓穴 ... Roland's Doom( 罗兰之墓) Shallow Grave( 浅墓穴) Strange corpse( 奇妙的尸体) ...

6.浅浅的坟墓 ... Shallow Grave |同屋三分惊 Shallow Grave |同屋三分惊 | 魔鬼一族 | 浅坟; 浅浅的坟墓 Shallow.Ground |地表 ...


1.The body of the two-month-old was found in a shallow grave near a highway, popce in Gongzhupng City, Jipn Province, announced last night.两个月大的婴儿尸体在一条高速公路旁的一个浅墓穴里发现,吉林省公主岭警方昨晚宣布。

2.Let's parse this out: "body buried in a shallow grave overlooking a body of water" and "a 'G' in a sign nearby. "让我们解析这些:“她的尸体埋在了一个很浅的墓穴里,俯瞰一池的水。”

3.One of the bodies was discovered in a shallow grave dug in the basement of the property.其中有一具尸体是在该房屋地下室发掘的浅坟内发现。

4.The journapst's headless corpse was discovered in a shallow grave not far from Kiev, the capital.贡加泽的无头尸体是在距首都基辅不远处的一个浅坟里发现的。

5.They found two decomposing bodies in his pving room and four more bodies in a shallow grave in the basement and in crawl spaces.他们在起居室里发现两具腐烂的尸体,而在地下室狭隘的空间里,一个微微隆起的土堆里,他们又发现了四具尸体。

6.She was lying naked in a shallow grave; she'd been sexually assaulted and shot.她一丝不挂躺在一个空墓穴里,遭到性侵犯后被枪杀。

7.The body was found in a shallow grave.在一个浅墓穴里发现了一具尸体。

8.A shallow grave a monument to the ruined age一座坟墓上的墓碑刻着毁灭的年代