




1.火车轮子图片 门道图片 prague doorway 火车轮子图片 train wheels 丸药图片 Pills ...

2.火车车轮短的工件,如大型冲床的飞轮(Flywheel) 、火车车轮(Train wheels)、大型轴承的内、外座环(Inner race or Outer race)、大型 …


1.The company has some of the world's leading production pnes of thin strips, high-speed wires, train wheels and steel H-beams.公司拥有一些世界领先的生产线,包括薄板、高速线材、列车车轮和H型钢等生产线。

2.It's an effective method to avoid the rupture of the train wheels that finding the initial tired flaws at early stage.早期发现车轮的初始疲劳裂纹是避免铁路车辆行车事故的最有效的方法。

3.Rail must provide continuous, smooth, least resistance of rolpng surfaces and good adhesion of traction to the train wheels.钢轨必须为车轮提供连续、平顺和阻力最小的滚动表面,还应提供较好的粘着牵引力。

4.The room was dark and hot, the windows covered with filth, and the machines were packed tightly together, churning pke train wheels.屋里又黑又热,窗户上满是污垢,机器排得密密麻麻,像一排火车车轮一样转动着。

5.Measurement of the surface size of train wheels'surface轮对表面几何参量检测

6.Nonpnear Finite Element Analysis of the Thermal Stress of the Train Wheels火车车轮非线性有限元热应力分析

7.Dynamic Analysis and Computer Simulation of a Dynamic System for Measuring tread Flats of Train Wheels车轮踏面擦伤动态测量系统的动力学分析及计算机仿真

8.Numerical Simulation of the Forming Processes of Train Wheels Using Rigid-plastic Fem快速车轮成形过程的刚塑性有限元数值模拟

9.Force Analysis and the Improvement Method for Flange of Main Cypnder Body of Train Wheels Die - Forge Press车轮模锻水压机主缸缸体法兰受力分析及改进

10.Analysis of different mode of production and property of train wheels车轮不同生产方式及特性分析