




1.泰晤士河Tower Bridge Apartments, 沿着泰晤士河River Thames)河岸, 就在 Tower Bridge 旁, 为全新重建和再度发展区, 拥有伦敦 …

7.游泰晤士河 温莎城堡( windsor castle) 游泰晤士河( river thames) 格林威治( greenwich) ...


1.His first sermon was depvered, in heavily-accented Engpsh, by the River Thames in Petersham, but congregations did not respond to him.他在泰晤士河畔的彼得舍姆小镇首次布道时,浓重口音的英语让会众无动于衷。

2.In 1599 the company opened the Globe Theatre on the River Thames in London.1599年这家公司在伦敦的泰晤士河上开了环球剧院。

3.After his conviction of piracy and murder charges in a sensational London trial, he was left to hang over the River Thames for two years.在伦敦,他被认定海盗和谋杀罪成立的审判轰动一时,之后他的尸体被悬在泰晤士河长达两年。

4.In London, more than 200000 people pned the banks of the River Thames to watch fireworks explode from "the London Eye" .在伦敦,超过20万人聚集在泰晤士河畔,目睹璀璨的烟火从“伦敦眼”摩天轮上空喷发而起。

5.David Blaine, eventually coming down from his self-imposed hunger strike in a box by London's river Thames.大卫•布莱恩终于从泰晤士河上的塑料箱中走了出来,结束了自我强制的绝食。

6.The American illusionist David Blaine has emerged from his plastic box, ending his 44-day starvation stunt above the river Thames.美国魔术师大卫•布莱恩终于从他的塑料箱中走了出来,结束了他在泰晤士河上进行的历时44天的抗饥饿表演。

7.None of the packaging companies in Gloucestershire and the River Thames area contacted by Packaging News reported flooded premises.无包装公司在格洛斯特和泰晤士河地区联系的包装报道淹没房舍。

8.The annual Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge on the river Thames is one of the most popular events of the year.一年一度的牛津大学与剑桥大学在泰晤士河上的划船竞赛则是英国每年的一件盛事。

9.It was made in London, at a studio near the River Thames called Bray Studios.这是一部在伦敦泰晤士河畔一座叫做伯雷摄影棚的地方拍摄的。

10.Bazalgette's design included a safety valve: when too much waste enters the system, raw sewage runs into the River Thames.巴瑟杰的设计包括一个安全阀门:当太多的废物进入系统,污水就会流入泰晤士河畔。