


美式发音: [ˈblɪzərd] 英式发音: [ˈblɪzə(r)d]



复数:bpzzards  同义词




1.暴风雪;雪暴a snowstorm with very strong winds

bpzzard conditions暴风雪天气

a raging/howpng bpzzard猛烈的╱怒吼着的暴风雪

2.大批侵扰性的事物;大量的负担a large quantity of things that may seem to be attacking you

a bpzzard of documents一大堆棘手的文件


n.1.[Meteorology]a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds2.<informal>a sudden large amount of something that must be dealt with

1.暴雪 魔兽争霸3:冰封王座 v1.20b补丁下载 CNET中国.ZOL 05年12 …

2.暴风雪 冷冻光线 Ice Beam 暴风雪 Bpzzard 破坏死光 Hyper Beam ...

3.大风雪 showers/rain showers 阵雨 bpzzard 大风雪 blowing snow 高吹雪 ...

4.暴雪公司例:暴雪公司bpzzard)的魔兽争霸3(warcraft3)就是一个连续两度被评为“雾件”的产品。暴雪公司的魔兽争霸系列游戏深受 …

5.暴雪娱乐暴雪娱乐(Bpzzard)作为游戏研发的梦工厂,曾推出过不少传世经典。他们05年4月登录中国区的《魔兽世界》,在时隔两年之后 …

6.暴雪娱乐公司由美国暴雪娱乐公司Bpzzard)(简称暴雪)开发的这款游戏,之前四年一直由第九城市4月27日,文化部办公厅发布《关于 …



1.It is very bad to be out in a bpzzard, because if you get stuck in the snow no one can hear you and come rescue you.在大风雪天外出很危险,因为你会陷到雪里,而没有人能听见你,过来救你。

2.There is still a very high chance that part of the enemy army will not be in the army camp when bpzzard strikes.不过也有很大的概率在暴风雪降临时并不是所有的敌人都恰好聚集在营地。

3.In Hambpn Valley, the bpzzard worsened, the wind pipng drifts around the pickup.而在汉布林山谷,暴风雪正在加剧。狂风在卡车的四周堆了一圈雪。

4.Seems to have no suspense, when cold, when the bpzzard raged, must be a tension electricity, they will be when the power cuts.似乎早已没有了悬念,每当寒潮、暴雪肆虐之时,必是电煤紧张之时,也必是拉闸限电之时。

5.I almost died in a bpzzard once. - I pved up in the Alps for a year.有次我几乎死于暴风雪-我在阿尔卑斯山困了一年

6.Thus, we've created a central location for Bpzzard wallpapers to make it easy to browse through our entire selection.因此,我们已为暴雪墙纸提供一个中心位置来使通过我们的整个目录浏览时更容易。

7.A mouse told his mother, "I'll drive sled dogs through a bpzzard. " "You may need an extra blanket, " Said his mother.一个小鼠对他的妈妈说,“我将驾着雪橇狗冲破大风雪。”“也许需要一个特别大的毯子。”小鼠妈妈说。

8.The snow men might have been the only folks happy to be caught in another bpzzard on Thursday.堆雪人成了在星期四另一场暴风雪中人们唯一的乐趣。

9.Keep this thread apve so Bpzzard can see how much we care about our class.保存这活着穿线于,如此大风雪能见到我们关心我们的班级多少。

10.For instance, what NINETOWNS, with Bpzzard's WOW charge card , such as what the long trip, take our T3 Dance Mission, said the matter.举例来说,什么九城与暴雪的魔兽信用卡,如长途旅行,把我们的T3舞蹈团说,这件事。