


美式发音: [ˈhɪlˌtɑp] 英式发音: [ˈhɪlˌtɒp]



复数:hilltops  同义词反义词





1.小山顶the top of a hill

the hilltop town of Urbino建在小山顶上的乌尔比诺镇


n.1.the top of a hill

1.山顶 hillside 山坡 hilltop 山顶 him 他 ...

2.山顶鸟 ) mole 胎记 ) hilltop 小山顶 ) tilt 使倾斜,使翘起 ...

4.山头 山体〖 massif〗 山头hilltop〗 山洼〖 valley〗 ...

5.山顶别墅沙滩上,无数高级奢华酒店和海鲜饭店林立,这一切都为山顶别墅Hilltop)提供了无与伦比的高档配套设施,整个Hilltop项 …

6.小山山顶 hillock 小山丘 hilltop 小山山顶 hilly 丘陵 ...

7.山顶鸟羽绒衣山顶鸟羽绒衣(HILLTOP)是关键抗寒妙招/冷冬中给自己一个温暖的包覆引用列表 (0) 连结替自己加薪 键盘下的精灵 近期文章 岁 …

8.山丘顶山丘顶(Hilltop)葡萄园位於Paso Robles产区,在本园因应不同的土壤种植了Cabernet Sauvignon,还有其他多种红品种,运用 …


1.Again, when you have married your wife, you would think you were got upon a hilltop, and might begin to go downward by an easy slope.步入婚姻殿堂时,你认为已经到顶了,可以轻松地往下走了。

2.When he picked up a pghthouse on the hilltop, he knew he was not far away from his home.当他看到山顶上的灯塔时,他知道他离家不远了。

3.Witnesses said the plane crashed through the hilltop airport's boundary wall and fell into a valley, CNN-IBN reported.目击者说,飞机穿过小山顶上机场上的围墙,并掉进入一个山谷而坠毁,CNN-IBN电视台报道。

4.The day began to break before we got to the hilltop.我们还没有到达山顶天就开始亮了。

5.And a hilltop collection of unused warehouses is being converted into a site for open-air festivals, electronica parties and laser shows.山顶上闲置的仓库,则成了户外节庆活动、电子音乐集会和激光表演的好地方。

6."It's just about as spectacular as you can get, " he said after an hourlong hike to the hilltop.徒步一小时登上这座山坡之后,他说道,“那场景真是要多壮观有多壮观。”

7.Kesteven Girls Grammar School was an imposing redbrick building, sitting on a hilltop overlooking the centre of the town.凯斯蒂文女子文法学校是一座引人注目的红砖房,座落在山顶上,俯瞰城镇中心。

8.THE Uganda Cancer Institute is on a hilltop with a fine view of the verdant capital, Kampala.乌干达癌症研究建在一个山顶上,可将树木青葱的首都坎帕拉的风景可尽收眼底。

9.Zuckerberg grew up in a hilltop house in Dobbs Ferry, New York.扎克伯格在纽约州的杜波斯·佛里长大,他家的房子坐落在一个小山顶上。

10.Five students, armed with a pocket-torch, stand guard at the hilltop entrance of the small Palestinian village of Kfar Qusra.在柯法库斯拉这个小村子里,五名带着小手电筒的青年学生组成一队,在一座小山顶部的关口上站哨。