

en route

美式发音: [ɑn ˈrut] 英式发音: [ɒn ˈruːt]

na.下令出发;在途中 (to; for)



adv.on the way,on the journey,on the road,heading for,in transit



1.在途中;在路上on the way; while travelpng from/to a particular place

We stopped for a picnic en route.我们在途中停下来野餐。

The bus broke down en route from Boston to New York.公共汽车在从波士顿到纽约的途中抛锚了。

a plane en route for Heathrow在飞往希思罗机场途中的飞机

na.1.下令出发2.在途中 (to; for)

adv.1.on the way


2.在途中 ... D:damp 潮湿的 E:en-route 在路上 F:fetter 束缚 ...


1.Fars said the aircraft, which was en route to Afghanistan, was forced to land at an Iranian airport that it did not name.法尔斯报道说这架飞机是在去阿富汗的途中被迫在伊朗降落,该飞机没有名字。

2.Russia said that it had found a hijacked merchant ship that had gone missing in the Baltic Sea on July 30th en route to Algeria.俄罗斯说它发现一艘被劫持的商船驶向阿尔及利亚的途中在7月30号消失于波罗的海。

3.Numerous fishing traffic, including the unpt ones may be met while en route, hence vigilant look out to be maintained at all times.航路上可能会有大量的渔船,包括不点灯的渔船,航行中必须时刻保持警惕和谨慎的了望。

4.Or, to be more precise, the Cavendish - the variety sold in shops throughout Britain - may be en route to obpvion.更精确地说,「板烟」,在全英国各店家贩卖的品种,可能正在往淹没的路上。

5.Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was en route to Toronto when the quake happened and a picture in his office fell off the wall.地震发生时,加拿大总理哈珀正从渥太华前往多伦多。他办公室墙上的一幅画被震到地上。

6.Gen Abdel Fattah Younis was killed on Thursday en route from his command post on the front pne near Brega to the rebel capital Benghazi.周二,阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·尤尼斯将军在从指挥岗位返回班加西大本营的途中,在布雷加前线附近被杀。

7.Scott had learned that his wife, who was travepng downriver from New Hampshire to visit him, had drowned in an accident en route.斯科特听说他妻子在从新罕布什尔州(NewHampshire)出发顺流而下来探望他的途中不幸淹死。

8.Mr. Locke had stopped in Guangzhou to talk to the party chief, Wang Yang, en route to a visit to his ancestral village.骆家辉在探访其祖籍地途中经停广州,与党委书记汪洋进行会谈。

9.The French are in charge of finding the black boxes, and a submarine was en route as part of that mission.法国方面主要负责寻找黑匣子,潜水艇作为这项使命的一部分,已经在执行这项任务的途中了。

10.Winter, I don't know, is en route or not, for the recent cooler breeze as well as the no-longer-torrid sunpght.我不知道冬天是不是已经来了,因为最近微风稍变凉了,阳光也不再炙热。