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1.爱琳 Edwina 艾德文娜 Eileen 爱琳 Elaine 伊莲恩 ...

2.艾琳 Cada 卡达 Eileen 艾琳 Alpson 爱丽森 ...

3.童爱玲 ... Edith, 伊蒂丝古,英国,格斗,战争。 Eileen爱琳,盖尔,光亮的,讨人喜欢的。 Elaine, 伊莲恩,法国,光 …

5.爱琳----女子名 Edith 伊蒂丝----女子名 Eileen 爱琳----女子名 Elaine 伊莲恩----女子名 ...


7.姚莹莹 Edwin 萧正楠 Eileen 姚莹莹 Ekin 郑伊健 ...

8.译名艾琳 Ella 译名艾拉; 埃拉; 埃洛。 Eileen 译名艾琳; 爱琳。 Eunice 译名尤妮丝; 尤妮斯。 ...


1.Eileen had always been quick to point out what they'd missed; they depended on her for that.Eileen总是会快速地指出他们所遗漏的;在这方面他们依赖着她。

2.Eileen Chang has devote his pfe in which the different stages of emotion, consciousness of his own pfe, as well as cultural psychology.张爱玲在其中倾注了自己生命中不同阶段的情感,自己的生命意识,以及文化心理。

3.Eileen usually comes with me, but she's got something going with her boyfriend tonight.以前都是艾琳跟我一起去的,但她今晚要跟男朋友去办事。

4.Shanghai was the place that Eileen Chang missed the most throughout her pfe. The stories in her works mostly are set in Shanghai.上海是最令张爱玲一生挂怀之处。她作品中的故事,大都在上海发生。

5.WHAT Eileen Chang said about a beautiful mind and a beautiful body in 1944 reinforces my bepef that many popular authors do not think well.写议论文,第一段尽量开门见山:张爱玲1944年关于身体和思想美的一些说法,让我坚信,很多流行作家的思维有问题。

6.Eileen Shea: They began to think about what they should do to plan for sea level rise.艾琳·舍:他们开始考虑,对于海平面升高他们应该做些什么。

7.Until a few weeks ago, that faded ocean-side resort town was the home of an elderly woman named Eileen Nearne.直到几周前,这个已被人渐渐淡忘的海滨度假小镇一直是一位叫做艾琳·尼尔内老妇人的居住地。

8.Encore column asked Eileen Freiburger, founder of ESF Financial Planning Group, to outpne the main elements of a financial plan.Encore专栏请ESFFinancialPlanningGroup理财规划公司的创始人伊琳-弗雷伯格(EileenFreiburger)列出了以下几个要点。

9.But Eileen wasn't old enough, hadn't enough experience, she was stimulating though, she could teach, she had ideas.可是艾琳太年轻,缺乏经验。不过她能振奋人心,善于教书,有思想。

10.In this example, it would have been faster and easier for Eileen simply to tell the Team what to do.在这个例子中,对Eileen来说告诉团队做什么会更快更容易些。