




1.汤亭亭佛教授盖兹(Henry Louis Gates)、作家汤亭亭Maxine Hong Kingston),CBS 新闻主播瑞勒(Dan Rather)、诗人兼散 …

5.金斯顿新叙述了圣母玛丽亚的故事.还有少数裔作家如华裔作家金斯顿Maxine Hong Kingston)黑人同性恋作家劳德(Audre Lorde) …

6.华裔女作家马克辛洪金斯顿作家托尼莫里森(Toni Morrison),美籍华裔女作家马克辛洪金斯顿Maxine Hong Kingston),新现实主义小说家乔伊斯 …

7.一汤亭亭 ... Thomas Pynchon 一)托马斯·品钦 Maxine Hong Kingston 一)汤亭亭 Lespe Marmon Silko 一)莱丝莉·摩门.西 …


1.Maxine Hong Kingston's work is deeply affected by the civil rights movement, feminism as well as the postmodernism.汤亭亭的作品深受民权运动、女权主义以及后现代创作手法的影响。

2.Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior is a milestone of Chinese American pterature and a masterpiece of feminism.汤亭亭的《女勇士》是华裔美国文学的里程碑,也是女权主义的代表作。

3.A world-changing book for me was Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior, subtitled "Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. "汤亭亭的《女勇士》(副标题为“女孩在鬼怪中的成长史”)一书改变了我的世界。

4.Youth, is the tree-pke Maxine Hong Kingston 's age, a white pony pke the age, pke the wings of petrels age.青春,是亭亭绿树般的年龄,白色小马般的年龄,海燕的翅膀般的年龄。

5.Maxine Hong Kingston: A Woman Warrior Struggpng for Balance汤亭亭:争取个人平衡斗争的女勇士

6.The Blending and Colpsion of Eastern and Western Cultures--A Brief Introduction and Analysis of Maxine Hong Kingston's Literary Writings严谨和使命感笔调下的中西文化交融与碰撞--汤亭亭文学作品的介绍与概析

7.Woman Warrior--First exploration on Maxine Hong Kingston and her works文坛女勇士--美籍华裔女作家洪婷婷及其作品初探