




1.指挥家的抉择 ... 10、 观点与角度: Spectrum of Difference 11、 谁是谁非Taking Sides 12、 长城: The Gre…

5.加入风暴斗篷或帝国 With Friends Like These... 加入黑暗兄弟会 Taking Sides 加入风暴斗篷或帝国 War Hero 占领阳光花园堡垒或绿墙堡垒 ...

6.方来支持严重的警告:毁掉合一的两个灵是——不信任及选择某方来支持(taking sides)。  为著一个来自美国的团队,我们有更深的代祷…


1.The president, he said, would not be taking sides.他表示,总统将不会站在任何一方。

2.According to Nolan, it was just a matter of time before designers started taking sides.诺兰认为,设计师倒向某一边只是一个时间问题。

3.In a statement from the Foreign Ministry Wednesday, China continued to avoid taking sides.中国外交部周三发表了一份声明,依旧回避就朝韩冲突表明自己的立场。

4.Local newspapers do not often comment on problems of national importance and editors rarely hold with taking sides on poptical questions.在有关全国的重大问题上,地方报纸不经常发表评论,编辑们很少在政治问题上表明站在那一边。

5.No one knows, which makes taking sides a dangerous guessing game, particularly for the White House.没有人知道,这让双边对话成为一场危险的猜谜游戏,特别是对白宫而言。

6.So why make more enemies around the world by taking sides in these interminable struggles among Israel, Hamas, Fatah, and their neighbors?为什么会有那么多的敌对情绪围绕在以色列、哈马斯、法塔赫、和他们的邻国之间?

7.Yet, as one of the worst crises on the Korean peninsula since the 1950-53 Korean War unfolds, China has avoided taking sides.然而,随着1950至1953年的朝鲜战争结束以来朝鲜半岛最大的一次危机拉开序幕,中国却避免表明立场。

8.Starting using more forceful language against the violence they have been seeing, but avoid taking sides in Iran's internal power struggle.他开始使用更为强有力的言辞来反对伊朗暴力,但是仍然避免在伊朗的内部权力斗争中偏向任何一方。

9.Dennis and his friends enjoyed the mental gymnastics of taking sides in an argument.丹尼斯喜欢和他的朋友们争论。

10.By taking sides in Thailand's poptics, Cambodia's leader "went for the jugular" , says Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a Thai poptical scientist.站在泰国的政治立场,泰国政治学家泰提南说,柬埔寨的领导人“在咽喉徘徊”。