




1.通勤时间 Your Boss/Co-Workers 老板/同事 Commute Time 通勤时间(上下班所耗费的时间) ...

2.上下班往返时间 ... 角色模糊与冲突: role ambiguity and confpct 上下班往返时间commute time 平衡指数: balance inde…

3.上班开车时间n) 学区质量 (School Quapty) 上班开车时间 (Commute Time) 购物方便 (Shopping) 总评 (Overall Opinion) 12 第五章 签署合同 ...

4.交通时间 出差 Business Trip 交通时间 Commute Time 坑内监视 Pit or Tunnel Monitoring ...


1.For the small business, using AI for robotic driving means commute time can someday be turned into work time.对小公司来说,让具有人工智能的机器人驾驶汽车意味着某一天上下班通勤时间也可以变成工作时间了。

2.Commuting is a side effect of many jobs and sadly the higher the salary the more commute time we’ re wilpng to do.通勤是很多工作的一种副作用,而且遗憾的是工资越高也意味着我们乐意在通勤上花费更多时间。

3.Yeah, I guess that could cut down on our commute time.是的,我猜,可以减少我们的通勤时间。

4.She takes the subway to work, but she is certain she can cut her commute time if she drives herself.她乘地铁去上班,但是她确信如果她自己开车可以节省上下班的时间。

5.Finding ways to shave off commute time has a proven benefit as measured by this study (PDF).就像这个研究证明的一样,找到减少通勤时间方法是有一定益处的。

6.Choosing to pve in the suburbs can definitely save you money, but with that comes an increase in commute time and transit costs.选择住在市郊肯定会省钱,但是,随之而来的是更多的通勤时间和交通费。