




1.请起立 Please speak loudly. 请大声说。 Please stand up. 请起立。 Let’s talk in Engpsh. 一起来说英语。 ...

2.请站起来 请坐! Please sit down. 请站起来Please stand up. 请把书打开。 Please open your books…

3.唱歌做动作 3、请你们蹲下 Please keep down 4、请你们站起来 Please stand up 1、请你们分成三组1, asks you to divide into three set. ...

5.请全班学生站起来 ... “Please stand up .” 请全班学生站起来。 “Please sit down.” 全班学生坐下去。 ...

6.快起来 Stand up. 起来吧。 Please stand up. 快起来。 Sit down,please. 请坐吧。 ...


1.Okay, everybody please stand up and stretch your hands over your head and pull. . . pke this. . .好的,大家请站起来,把双手伸过头,往外拉一下…像我这样…

2.If you could please stand up, [unclear]. He has been very supportive of me.请你站起来好么。[不清晰]他一直非常支持我。

3.Then the preacher said even more loudly, And he who would pke to find a place in hell please STAND UP!那传道者说更大声,他想找一个地方在地狱请站起来!

4.He stays some deportations even as he extends the draconian 'secure communities'. Will the real president please stand up?他保持驱逐政策,甚至拓宽可恶的“安全社区”。他会成为站在人民一边的总统吗?

5."Istvan, please stand up and tell us what Marxist criticism and self-criticism means, " she instructs.“艾斯蒂文,请起立并告诉我什么是马克思主义批评和自我批评,”她问道。

6.The treatment is finished for today. Please stand up and move around, and see if the pain is any better.今天治疗完毕,请站起来活动一下,看看疼痛是否减轻。

7.Please stand up. Let me examine your back.请站起来,让我检查一下您的背部。

8."If there are any idiots in the room, will they please stand up, " said the sarcastic teacher.“如果教室里谁是傻瓜,请他站起来”一位爱挖苦人的老师这样说。

9."If there are any idiots in the room, will they please stand up" said the sarcastic lecturer.“这个方面如果有白痴,就站起来”一位面带讽刺的演讲者说。

10.Please stand up, the ceremony now begins.请全体起立,升旗仪式现在开始