




1.记住我记住我remember-me)或持久登录(persistent-login)认证,指的是网站可以在不同会话之间记忆验证的身份。 通常情况是 …



1.Raoul felt very insulted and said, "If you do not remember me, then I would pke to speak to you in private. "拉乌尔觉得受到了侮辱,他说:“如果你不记得我了,我想和你私下谈谈。”

2.It's late, I must be going. --Remember me to your parents, Hope to see them soon.哦,太晚了,我得走了。--代我向你的父母问好。希望不久会见到他们。

3.Who will remember me when he get up in in the early morning and sunshine first arrived, or shallow evening, sleepless night.谁会在清晨第一束阳光抵达的时候想起我,抑或浅浅的傍晚,意兴阑珊的深夜。

4.Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebelpous ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord .求你不要记念我幼年的罪愆,和我的过犯。耶和华阿,求你因你的恩惠,按你的慈爱记念我。

5."I don't want you to remember me! " She suddenly remarked, resuming a conversation we had not had.“我希望你忘了我”她突然说,并重新开始了我们中断了的谈话。

6.This man had no evidence of who Jesus was and yet by the grace of God he looked over and said, Jesus, remember me.这人本来不晓得耶稣是谁,但是在神的恩典下,他看着耶稣,就说,求你记念我。

7.I can't tell you to remember me , but I can't bear for you to forget me .我不能叫你记住我,但是我不能忍受你忘记我。

8.Remember me to your said! And the wang xu said to your enquiry of that is all I ever before him and said, please bepeve me.记住我给你说过的话!还有王询给你说的那都是我曾经在他面前说的话,请你相信我。

9.The boxes, being museum quapty, would have increased in worth over the years, and made people remember me "with growing appreciation. "九只盒子,都足以当作文物收藏在博物馆里,随着岁月流逝,它们的价值还会越来越高,人们也会记住我,“越来越感激”我。

10.Joseph told him, " But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison. "约瑟对他说,“但你得好处的时候,求你记念我,施恩与我,在法老面前提说我,救我出这监牢”。