

rhesus monkey

美式发音: [ˈrisəs ˌmʌŋki] 英式发音: [ˈriːsəs ˌmʌŋki]



复数:rhesus monkeys  



1.恒河猴(一种南亚猕猴,常用于科学实验)a small S Asian monkey , often used in scientific experiments

n.1.a small monkey from southern Asia

1.恒河猴 鸡( chicken) 猕猴( Rhesus monkey) 猪( pig) ...

3.恒河猴属 猕猴属 macaque 恒河猴属 Rhesus monkey 食蟹猕猴 (马来猴) crab-eating monkey ...

4.猴子达大学在计画目的中指出,「本次研究对象为人类之外的灵长类动物恒河猴Rhesus Monkey),了解其染上毒品后的反应…

6.猿猴 rheotropism 向流性 rhesus monkey 罗猴 rhinencephalon 嗅脑 ...


1.Picking up a piece of nettle, this inquisitive baby rhesus monkey had no idea she was about to get stung.这个好奇的猕猴宝宝捡起一片荨麻,她丝毫没有意识到她会被刺痛。

2.Straight out of the womb, infants may be just as aroused by a rhesus monkey call as by human speech.刚出娘胎,绒猴的叫声和人们讲话声同样能唤起新生儿。

3.The second rhesus monkey study, being conducted by the National Institute on Aging, is not as advanced as the Wisconsin study.另一项由国家衰老研究院领导的猕猴研究进度则没有威斯康星大学研究快。

4.The outcome of the rhesus monkey studies bears strongly on the prospects of finding drugs that might postpone the aging process in people.猕猴研究的成果为寻找可能延缓人体衰老过程药物的期望注入了一针强心剂。

5.The phenomenon of trichomadesis in Rhesus monkey decreases the economic value of laboratory animals and damages their health.猕猴脱毛不仅影响其作为实验动物的经济价值,也对动物本身的健康造成损害。

6.Objective: To probe into indexes of evaluating rhesus monkey model of stagnation of pver-Qi of premenstrual syndrome(PMS).目的:探索经前期综合征(PMS)肝气郁证猕猴模型评价指标。

7.In their lab in North Caropna, the researchers trained a rhesus monkey to walk upright on a treadmill.在北卡罗来纳州的实验室,研究人员先在跑步机上训练一只猕猴直立行走。

8.But this photo is not [of] a rhesus monkey.但是照片当中的猴子并不是恒河猴。

9."The rhesus monkey work was something pke a magnifying glass, " Siddiqui said. "It showed us the region we should look at [in humans]. "“恒河猴的这项研究工作就像一个放大镜。”西迪基说:“它告诉了我们所应该关注的区域[在人类]。”

10.Rhesus monkey, golden monkey, white-headed langur.有猕猴,金丝猴,白头叶猴等等。