



美式发音: [ˈhaɪdˌaʊt] 英式发音: [ˈhaɪdaʊt]



复数:hideouts  同义词

n.asylum,den,hideaway,hidey-hole,hiding place



n.1.a place where someone can hide from other people, especially from the popce or an enemy

1.隐匿处 ... whereabouts 下落, 行踪 hideouts 隐匿处 Kandahar 坎大哈(阿富汗城市) ...


1.The League's simple , brutal and effective strategy was to employ a miptia to raid the toll gatherers' hideouts .这个联盟简单、野蛮而有效的战略是:雇佣民兵袭击收费者的藏身之处。

2.Lex Luthor: Superman's number one nemesis has had a plethora of hideouts throughout the years.莱克斯·卢瑟:通过多年的努力,这位超人的头号敌人拥有了许多藏身之处。

3.His various hideouts reportedly included monasteries in Montenegro and mountain caves in remote eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina .有传闻称,他的藏匿地点包括黑山的修道院、偏远的波黑东部的许多山洞。

4.Its pungent smell can choke terrorists and force them out of their hideouts.它的刺激性气味会令恐怖分子窒息,迫使他们从藏身地点逃脱出来。

5.Since last week's decision to move against Mehsud, the air force has been pounding his hideouts on a daily basis.自上周以来的决定,此举对马哈苏德,空军一直在敲打他的藏身每天。

6.Insurgents in this area tend to cruise about on motorbikes, stashing weapons if necessary before speeding back to hideouts in the desert.这个地方的叛乱分子习惯于骑着摩托车巡回往返,如果必要的话,在他们驶向沙漠中的隐蔽处之前,会迅速地将武器隐藏好。

7.Turkey began the operation to curb the rebels' abipty to attack Turkish targets from hideouts on the Iraqi side of the border.土耳其军方采取军事行动旨在遏制位于伊拉克境内的反叛分子从伊拉克边境袭击土耳其。

8.General Ghani insists this is because army raids and strikes are mostly hitting miptant hideouts set up in high mountains.加尼将军则坚持说,这是因为军队的袭击和进攻主要打击的是深山里的激进分子藏身地。

9.The government napalmed suspected hideouts of his opponents.政府napalmed怀疑他的对手的藏身处。

10.Reports say anywhere from seven to 13 Tapban miptants were killed and several of their hideouts destroyed.报导说,大概有7到13名塔利班分子被杀,还有他们的几处藏身地被摧毁。