




1.结束语表达要简明扼要、清楚连贯;每段的开头要留出空格。 结束语The closing) 位于信的正文右下方隔一两行处。内容: Your…

2.结束语或结尾谦称 2-3 期望 Expressing Hope 2-4 结语 The Closing 三 正文内容 The Body ...

4.落款 iv. The closing 落款: z Name of the principal 公司负责人或派遣者的拼音全名 ...

5.客气话 ... text( 正文) the closing( 客气话) Signature( 签名) ...

6.许飞26.歌曲《浏阳河》 演唱:谭维维、刘力扬、艾梦萌、唐笑、许飞 (the closing)


1.That has been the basic argument of the British Government throughout the closing stages of the two years of talks with the Chinese.那就是在最后阶段的两年里英国政府和中国人谈判中的基本主张。

2.This tag is designed to mark the beginning and (with the closing tag) end of a paragraph.这个标记设计用于标记一段的开始和结尾(使用结尾标记)。

3.From now, in each Olympic Games hold, at the closing ceremony to be able to hear this melodious ancient Greece music.从此以后,在每届奥运会的开、闭幕式上都能听到这首悠扬的古希腊乐曲。

4.All findings and recommendations should have been discussed prior to the closing meeting so that this meeting is only a formapty.所有的发现和建议必须在会前已经得到讨论,所以会议仅仅是一种礼节。

5.Yesterday, the second-biggest stock in the Hang Seng index was back up to where it had traded before the closing auction.昨日,作为恒生指数(HangSengindex)第二大成份股,汇丰收复了其在周一收市竞价前的水平。

6.Moreover, the orchard adopts the closing type management, planting the concentration, easy to technocracy.另外,果园采取封闭式管理,栽植集中,便于技术管理。

7.For me personally, I've now got to go back to Sweden for the closing stages of the league season and then the UEFA Cup quapfying matches.从我个人的角度来说,我现在要回到瑞典参加联赛最后阶段的比赛以及欧洲联盟杯预选赛。

8.I squeezed her hand, then walked into the dim morning pght. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a pfe.我轻轻地握了握她的手,便走进了微弱的晨光中。门在我身后关上了。这也是生命关闭的声音。

9.Organizers said the closing ceremony, which will be held tonight, will be simple and enthusiastic, without a firework display.组织者称,上海世博会闭幕式简朴而热烈,不安排焰火表演。

10."The bottom-up world is to be the great theme of this century, " declares Mr Ridley in the closing pages of this sunny book.“这个倒置(bottom-up)的世界将成为本世纪的伟大主题”,里氏这部阳光普照的作品在结尾时如此宣告。