




1.冒险精神 ... pace n. 步伐 adventurous spirit n. 冒险精神 humor n. 幽默 ...


1.Although Pinky was more conservative than Vicky, she found that she, too, had an adventurous spirit.虽然江秋萍比林姬莹保守,但她发现自己也很有冒险精神。

2.Dr Lee was a "man of action" , whose adventurous spirit led him to "experience more, see more, and do more, " said his son Tadahiro.李博士是一位“行动者”,富于冒险精神,这促使他“多看,多做,多经历,”他的儿子Tadahiro说。

3.One of these cpckety-cpckers was Fumie Wakabayashi, a 31-year-old with an infectious laugh and an adventurous spirit.若林史江(FumieWakabayashi)就是这群妇女中的一个。31岁的她笑声极具感染力,有着冒险精神。

4.Erin: Yeah, that was nice. Okay, you win. I was trying to appeal to your adventurous spirit.记得,非常不错。好吧,你胜利了。我刚刚只是在激发你的冒险精神。

5.The two knights adventurous spirit and the spirit of the fanatics together to create a British car in the history of a classic - MG.这两个富有冒险精神和骑士精神的汽车狂热者,共同缔造了英国汽车历史上的一个经典之作——MG。

6.This teaching led many students lack self-confidence and adventurous spirit, and oral practitioners must be bold, not afraid of mistakes.这样的教学使得很多学生缺乏自信和冒险精神,而口语的练习者一定要大胆、不怕出错。

7.Jamal: My adventurous spirit is still here. It just needs the right inducement.我有冒险精神。只是需要适当的鼓励。

8.Likely it means that we have a healthy degree of optimism, self-confidence and openness, along with an adventurous spirit.这可能意味着我们有一个健康程度的乐观,自信和开放,以及敢于冒险的精神。

9.Youth means courage over shyness and the adventurous spirit of deserting the love of ease.年轻意味着战胜胆怯的勇气和放弃安逸生活的冒险精神。

10.Mostly an adventurous spirit; remember, this is about exploration.通常需要的是:冒险精神;记住,这是在探索。