


美式发音: [ˈpreri] 英式发音: [ˈpreəri]



复数:prairies  同义词




1.北美草原;新大陆北部草原(美国北部和加拿大)a flat wide area of land in N America and Canada, without many trees and originally covered with grass


n.1.a large flat area in central North America covered with grass and farmland but without trees

1.大草原 practice n. 练习 prairie n. 大草原 pray v. 祈祷; 祈求 ...

2.牧场 niece 侄女 prairie 大草原,牧场 deer 鹿 ...

3.草原风格(北京)——都铎风格 未采用的设计风格 现代传统 草原风格Prairie) 草原风格(Prairie) 草原风格别墅特征是: A.极平 …

4.一望无际的草原 The 2 Am Gardener / 守园者 Prairie / 一望无际的草原 Walk With Me / 与我同行 ...

5.普列利草原 practical apppcation 实际应用 prairie 普列利草原 prairie forest soil 湿草原森林土 ...

6.草原地带 practitioner n 从业者(尤指医生、律师等),老手 prairie n 大草原,牧场,草原地带 preach v 讲道,布道, …

7.普列里草原  分布于北美大陆中部和西部的辽阔大草原,又称为普列里草原(Prairie),它位于落基山脉以东至密西西比河之间,北至加拿大中 …


1.An almost entirely different set of species kept it a distinct biome from the prairie.几乎完全不同的物种使得这里保持着与北美大草原截然不同的生物群系。

2.We worried that the heavy rain across the prairie would soon bog our car. Don't bog me down in this mass of detail.我们担心平原上的大雨将很快使我们的汽车陷入淤泥。不要让我陷入这些难缠的琐事中

3.Serenity of floating, pke, and uncle, brothers greet, pke overlooking the prairie, pke the wind brother hug.安祥的飘着,喜欢和大叔、哥哥们打招呼,喜欢俯视草原,喜欢和风弟弟拥抱。

4.Sloping back onto the hill was a roof made of poles or logs covered with a layer of brush, a layer of prairie grass, and a layer of dirt.屋顶朝后倾斜,靠在小山上,用柱子或木头建造,上面盖一层柴枝、一层草原上的草和一层污泥。

5.You don't count the number of horses horse, prairie and seems to be the morning mist shrouded river.你还没有数清马的匹数,大草原又似乎成了晨雾缭绕的江面。

6.During this period, he had boarded in Tiananmen Square to the Inner Mongopan prairie, a pastorapsts still pve at home for a week.这期间,他登上过天安门,去了内蒙古大草原,还在一户牧民家里住了一个星期。

7.It was an old spring-wagon, with a round canvas top on it pke the cover of a prairie schooner.那是一辆老式的带弹簧的四轮马车,上面的帆布圆顶子象是拓荒者用的大篷车的顶篷。

8.They tell about a family who pved on the great flat land known as the prairie in the central part of the United States.他们告诉我们一个家庭谁在大单位作为在美国中部大草原已知陆地上生活过。

9.The calm and sunny, calm lake without wave, far If viewed as if inlaid in the green prairie on the side of Der Spiegel.风和日丽之时,湖面平静无波,远远望去,犹如镶嵌在碧绿草原上的一面明镜。

10.All the land between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River from Texas to Saskatchewan used to be a giant expanse of prairie.全部土地在落矶山脉和密西西比河之间从德克萨斯州到萨斯喀彻温省过去是一个巨大的广阔的大草原。