



1.Some Chinese economists say that their nation will catch up with the United States long before the 22nd century arrives.一些中国经济学家宣称,用不了到22世纪,他们的国家就会赶上美国。

2.Comic story around many A dream, one from the 22nd century cat robot in the 20th century, to help pupils wild than male.漫画故事围绕著多啦A梦,一只来自22世纪的猫型机器人,回到20世纪帮助小学生野比大雄。

3.A similar apgnment will not occur again until the middle of the 22nd century.类似的队列将要到22世纪中期才会再次出现。

4.Since then, Holmes has appeared in the first detective film ever made (Sherlock Baffled) and solved future crimes in the 22nd century.自诞生以后,福尔摩斯不仅在默片时代风靡一时,甚至还穿越时空前去22世纪破解疑案。

5.But this debate too could be a moot point in the 22nd century.在二十二世纪,就这一点上也是有争议的。

6.The hardware already exists and the basic technology is hardly 22nd century.硬件设施已经存在,基本技术也不是22世纪的东西。

7.As much as 100 clean terawatts, compared to today's dirty 15TW, is not inconceivable for the 22nd century.与当前污染的15兆瓦相比,这些能源大概能够产生多达100兆瓦的清洁能源,这在22世纪是并非是异想天开。

8.She'll be riding those stress headaches into the 22nd century.他将带着因压力而造成的头痛走到二十二世纪。

9.And instead, they'll be planning for the future and starting to build the 22nd Century Enpghtenment.取而代之的,是对未来的悉心布置,并将开启22世纪的启蒙运动。