



1.After a month on the lam, the 40 -pound tortoise with a 2 -foot- wide, gold - colored shell is back in the wading pool at his owner's home.在经历一个月的在外流浪之后,这只重大40磅、长着2英尺宽的金色壳乌龟终于回到了主人家的浅水池里。

2.The girls go on the lam, robbing stores, driving their classic convertible through the gorgeous desert.于是她们跑路了,她们抢劫商店,驾着经典的敞篷车,越过了斑斓的沙漠。

3.EG: He was on the lam from the popce after they found out he was using stolen credit cards.他一直在潜逃自从警察发现他在使用偷来的信用卡时。

4.Back in the 1950s, astronomers discovered a strange population of stars on the lam.回到19世纪50年代,天文学家发现有反常数量的恒星脱离原有位置。

5.Mrs. Taylor, her husband at her side, surrendered to popce Saturday after two days on the lam.泰勒太太,逃亡两天以后,星期六由她丈夫陪伴向警方自首。

6.Three other suspects in the assault were arrested years ago, Xinhua says, but Mr. Ji went on the lam in southern China.新华社说,该案的另外三名参与袭警的嫌疑人几年前就已经被捕,但吉思光则为了逃避打击逃窜到了南方。

7.Therefore, in order to arouse renunciation the first part of the Lam Dre teaching emphasizes the meditation on suffering.因此,为生起出离心,道果法第一部分强调观想轮回痛苦。

8.Some of us are on the lam from our past, even today.今天我们当中有些人正在为着他们的过去逃亡。

9.The TV series won high ratings not only for the ATV, was also seen as way to revive the Lam Ching Ying Ying for.电视系列荣获不仅为亚视高收视率,也为振兴方式林正英莹看到。

10.The man disappeared just before he was due to go to jail and has been on the lam ever since.那名男子在应该返回监狱之时突然失踪,从那时起一直在逃。