




1.苏格兰皇家银行 Tesco 特斯科 Royal Bank of Scotland 皇家苏格兰银行 Thyssen Krupp 蒂森克虏伯 ...

3.英国 Statoil Hydro 挪威 Royal Bank of Scotland 英国 Samsung Electronics …

4.英国苏格兰皇家银行 ... 48德国巴斯夫 BASF 49英国皇家苏格兰银行 Royal Bank of Scotland 50美国陶氏化学 Dow …


1.In contrast, Royal Bank of Scotland =, rescued by the British taxpayer, was able to suspend interest payments on only some of its hybrids.但相反的是,被英国纳税人拯救的苏格兰皇家银行只因某些混合债券而暂停了利息支出。

2.As Alan Ruskin of the Royal bank of Scotland remarked, this was a contest among the G7 nations to see who could post the worst numbers.皇家苏格兰银行的AlanRuskin发表评论之后,七国集团就比着是谁先被淘汰出局。

3.One of its biggest creditors is Royal Bank of Scotland, which recently became a ward of the British state after a bail-out of its own.而它最大的债主则是皇家苏格兰银行,这家银行最近才刚刚在接受了一份援助后被英国政府监管。

4.Thankfully it's more pkely to be a huge company, pke the Royal Bank of Scotland, that suffers with your toxic debt, and not me or you.谢天谢地这些债权人一般都是那些像是苏格兰皇家银行这样的大公司,而不是你和我。

5.The drama in the stocks of banks at the centre of the rumours, with Royal Bank of Scotland the latest hapless victim, did not permit that.身处传言中心的银行股票的戏剧性表现就是个障碍——苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)是最新的不幸受害者。

6.The Dutch state-owned ABN Amro Bank said Friday that it had completed its legal separation from the Royal Bank of Scotland.荷兰国有银行荷兰银行星期五宣布它已在法律上完成了与苏格兰皇家银行的分离。

7.In 2005, the bank advised Royal Bank of Scotland on the acquisition of a stake in Bank of China, and eventually invested alongside it.2005年,美林受邀担任苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)的顾问,帮助其收购中国银行(BoC)的股权,但最终却成为共同投资者。

8.But far from being the next Royal Bank of Scotland-ABN AMRO, or even Time Warner-AOL, the deal looks reasonable in many respects.但还远不及苏格兰皇家银行与荷兰银行的并购额,甚至还不如时代华纳与美国在线的并购额,此次交易在许多方面似乎都合情合理。

9.Royal Bank of Scotland, the UK-based lender, is to double its headcount in Asia-Pacific over the next three years.苏格兰皇家银行(RBoS)未来3年将把亚太地区的雇员数量提高近一倍。

10.Royal Bank of Scotland, which is 84% owned by the UK taxpayer, appears to have been one of the biggest losers from the alleged fraud.84%的股份为英国纳税人所有的苏格兰皇家银行是这起疑似欺诈案中最大受害者之一。