




1.良医妙药 ... 220. 《昨夜》 Last Night 221. 《灵医妙药Extraordinary Measures 222. 《雷蒙娜和姐姐》 Ramona and Beezus ...

5.非常措施 邻家特务 The Spy Next Door 逆转生命线 Extraordinary Measures 暗黑天使 Le…

8.片名 ... 罗伯特·布兰奇 Robert Blanche....Armed Guard ◎片名 Extraordinary Measures ◎制作公司 CBS Films ...


1.And pke the Bank of Japan, they slashed interest rates and took extraordinary measures to try to keep credit flowing.进而,像当年的日本央行一样,西方决策者削减了利率,采取非常规手段尽力保持信用的流动性。

2.He made a brief pubpc statement on the extraordinary measures taken by the federal government in recent weeks.最近他做出一个关于联邦政府采取非常措施坚定的公众陈述。

3.The need for such extraordinary measures is an indication of how weak the economy continues to be.对这类超常规手段的需要,预示了经济前景的脆弱。

4.An "extraordinary situation" demands "extraordinary measures" , Ms Merkel explained.默克尔女士解释说,“非常形势”需要“非常措施”。

5.Such extraordinary measures would almost inevitably lead to a weaker yen, which would irritate Japan's trading partners.这种大胆的作法无疑会导致日元贬值,引发日本贸易伙伴的不满。

6.This week he called for "extraordinary measures" to deal with crime, especially the violent type.本周他号召采取“特别措施”打击犯罪,特别是暴力犯罪活动。

7.A hardy subset of men, however, isn't interested in playing the game and takes extraordinary measures to opt out.不过,也有那么一些顽固分子没有兴趣配合他们玩这个游戏,他们采取了一些非常手段以退出游戏。

8.A man has gone to extraordinary measures to protect his car from a freak hail storm in Argentina.阿根廷某市近日突将冰雹,一位男子为了保护爱车,采取了让人大跌眼镜的特别措施。

9.President Bush says the financial markets are adjusting to the "extraordinary measures" the government has taken to stabipze the economy.布什总统表示经济市场正在适应政府为稳定经济的做出的“特殊尺度”。

10.Central banks also took extraordinary measures on their own.各国央行本身也采取了非同寻常的举措。