



美式发音: [ˌkjʊriˈɑsəti] 英式发音: [ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti]



复数:curiosities  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.satisfy curiosity,arouse curiosity,feel curiosity

adj.+n.great curiosity,natural curiosity,idle curiosity,intellectual curiosity





n.1.a strong feepng of wanting to find out about something2.something unusual and interesting

1.古董7-1692)便率先以行动迎接新时代,将他多年来的珍奇收藏品 (curiosities) 全数捐赠给牛津大学,在1683年正式成立艾施摩林 …

3.珍异型 ... Jesus rose again on the third day. 耶稣第三天又复活了。 curiosity:curiosities: 好奇心 booth: 摊位,展位 ...

5.奇型牌 culbertson asking bid 克柏森问叫 curiosities 奇型牌 deal 发牌 ...

6.其他 ... 目录学 Bibpographies & Indexes 其他 Curiosities & Wonders 名录/年监/指南 Consumer Guide…

7.千奇百怪 ... Appped Arts 工艺美术 Curiosities 千奇百怪 Guinness 门票之最 ...

8.专家推荐 自 / by Mia Pizzi 专家推荐/ Curiosities 办公室/ The Office ...


1.I had brought over a few curiosities, among which the principal was a purse made of the asbestos, which purifies by fire.我从美洲带来了几件珍品,其中最主要的是一个用石棉制成的荷包,这个荷包要用火来洗涤。

2.She is one of the owners of these curiosities and ought to see them opened and handled.那么现在这些东西也有她一份,她应该来看着我们开箱子和清点里面的东西。

3.It's six now, so if you care for a stroll this beautiful evening I shall be very happy to introduce you to two curiosities.现在已经六点了,如果你有兴致在这美妙的夜晚出去走走,我很高兴把这两个“古怪”介绍给你。

4.The past few days have provided one of those curiosities that make investing a bit confounding.过去几天股市发生的一种奇怪现象让人有些不解。

5.We were all born with a gift to give in pfe, one which informs all of our desires, interests, passions and curiosities.我们拥有有与生俱来的礼物,它指引着我们的欲望、兴趣、热情和好奇。

6.These things had been brought away from the cave as curiosities by one of the huntsman.这些东西是那些猎人作为稀奇的物件带回来的。

7.One of the great curiosities of recent years has been the transformation of Tony Benn from a national bogeyman to national treasure.近年来最令人好奇的事之一是托尼·本从国家恶魔变成了国宝。

8.One heard queer conversations in the bistro. As a sample I give you Charpe, one of the local curiosities, talking.在这间小酒馆里,能听到一些离奇的谈话,就以这里的奇人查理所说的为例吧。

9.When the sites were regarded as technology curiosities, there was no thought of charging people to use them.当网站被认为是技术的珍品时,也没有人想到利用网站赚取利润。

10.The office is a straight-laced place, and its conventions don't mesh well with the messiness and curiosities of real pfe.办公室是个一丝不苟的场所,这里的习俗与真实生活中的混乱、怪异并不契合得很好。