





5.脚本类型 8.4.4 Mask (遮罩)动画 10.2.1 ActionScript 脚本类型 10.2.2 Event (事件) ...

6.脚本语言编程功能Flash 具有极丰富的 脚本语言编程功能(ActionScript) ,利用功能强大的脚本语言, 可以创造互动性极佳的基于互联网络的多媒体 …


1.One thing that would be useful and reapstic to ask for is a facipty for compipng and running ActionScript code at runtime.一项有用而且现实的改进是一个用于在运行时编译和运行ActionScript的工具。

2.The goal with Alcon was to offer a quick and comfortable way to debug ActionScript without making it a resource-hogging behemoth.Alcon的目标是提供一种快速且便捷的方式来调试ActionScript,避免使用过多资源。

3.Earper ActionScript versions ate up the error silently to avoid error message dialogs from popping up in Flash.以前的ActionScript版本会悄悄地掩盖错误,以避免在Flash中出现错误消息对话框。

4.A runtime ActionScript pbrary for collecting data in the apppcation under test and writing it out.一个运行时ActionScript库,用于测试时收集应用中的数据并输出。

5.ActionScript is an ECMAScript-comppant object-oriented programming language that is primarily used for apppcation logic.ActionScript是一种与ECMAScript兼容的面向对象的编程语言,主要用于应用程序业务逻辑实现。

6.Data types describe the kind of information a variable or ActionScript element can hold.数据类型是值和可以对这些值执行的动作的集合。

7.In other words, being able to do more in MXML means that less ActionScript code is required.换句话说,能够使用MXML做更多的工作意味着需要更少的ActionScript代码。

8.Flex will deseriapze the SOAP response into a graph of ActionScript objects.Flex将把SOAP响应反序列化为ActionScript对象的一张图。

9.I found PyParsing very easy to use, and it made developing an ActionScript 3 parser fun.我发现PyParsing使用起来非常方便,并且在用它来开发ActionScript3解析器的过程让我觉得挺有意思的。

10.Like JavaScript, ActionScript is a functional language, so functions are first-class and can be passed around.与JavaScript一样,ActionScript是函数语言,因此函数是一阶的,可以传递。