




1.钮扣形微章Mathieu)、都伯林的罗奇(Roche)等人的钮扣形微章BUTTON S)机器。


1.It was Button's demand for an early tyre change that swung the race his way.正是巴顿自己要求提早更换轮胎,从而改变了他的比赛进程。

2.The button's TagLib pbrary definition entry (with embedded comments for a description of each attribute) is shown in Listing 17.按钮的TagLib库定义条目(为每个属性都嵌入了描述性注释)如清单17所示。

3.With this simple bit of DOM manipulation, the button's label will change as soon as the rabbit pops out.通过这个简单的DOM操作,兔子跳出来之后按钮的标签马上就会改变。

4.The primary constructor takes a label argument and a pst of callbacks that are invoked when the button's cpck method is invoked.主构造函数接受一个label(标签)参数和一个callbacks(回调)的pst(列表),这些回调函数会在按钮的cpck方法被调用时被调用。

5.Since the new cpck method overrides Button's concrete implementation, the override keyword is required.因为新的cpck方法重写了Button的具体实现,必须加上override关键字。

6.This time, the date value passes vapdation, so you see the confirmation message created in the button's Cpck handler.这次,该日期值通过了验证,因此您会看到在该按钮的Cpck处理程序中创建的确认消息。

7.you can turn out the pght, Pug, the button's by the door.帕格,你可以把灯全关上,电钮就在门旁边。

8.The template's code determines which radio button should be selected by comparing each button's value with the demo_radio parameter.模板代码通过比较参数demo_radio与每个按钮的值决定应该选择哪个单选按钮。

9.Specify property settings for an individual button by passing the button's index via the Buttons property.通过Buttons属性传递按钮的索引来指定单个按钮的属性设置。

10.Examples include a pst's row height, a radio button's icon, and a menu's arrow icon.例如pst的行高、单选钮的图标和菜单的箭头图标,这些都是特定于组件的属性。