


美式发音: [skrʌbz] 英式发音: [skrʌbz]







1.[t][i]擦洗;刷洗to clean sth by rubbing it hard, perhaps with a brush and usually with soap and water

I found him in the kitchen, scrubbing the floor.我发现他在厨房擦地板。

She scrubbed the counters down with bleach.她用漂白剂把柜台擦洗干净。

The woman scrubbed at her face with a tissue.那女人用纸巾擦脸。

Scrub the vegetables clean.把蔬菜刷洗干净。

2.[t](informal)~ sth取消(原有安排)to cancel sth that you have arranged to do


1.[sing]擦洗;刷洗an act of scrubbing sth

I've given the floor a good scrub.我把地板彻底擦洗了一遍。

2.[u]灌木丛;矮树丛small bushes and trees

The bird disappeared into the scrub.鸟消失在矮树丛中。

3.[u]硬叶灌丛带;低矮灌木丛林地an area of dry land covered with small bushes and trees

4.[pl]手术衣the special clothes worn by surgeons when they are doing medical operations


n.1.the special clothes worn by doctors and nurses when they do a medical operation

v.1.The third person singular present tense of scrub

1.实习医生风云 ... Kiehl’s 契尔氏 SCRUBS 脸部磨砂 CHANEL 香奈儿 ...

3.实习医师风云 ... 剥离式面膜 PEEL OFFS 磨砂类面膜 SCRUBS 自发热面膜 SELF HEATING ...

5.实习医生风波 6. Get Smart 糊涂侦探 9. Scrubs 实习医生风波 《TV GUIDE》 组织的"50 ...

6.实习医生成长记 希特勒:恶魔的崛起 Hitler:The Rise of Evil 实习医生成长记 Scrubs 反恐行动 The Grid ...

7.磨砂膏 CLEANSING 清洁 SCRUBS 磨砂膏 MASKS 面膜 ...


1.I use mud masks and have weekly facial scrubs and use concealer to hide the dark circles around my eyes and foundation if my skin looks wan.我使用矿物泥面膜,每周都会去除面部角质。另外,我会用遮瑕膏来遮盖黑眼圈。假如皮肤看上去苍白暗哑,我就会用粉底修饰一番。

2.But how much can you spend in Parkhurst or the Scrubs , Gene?但是你能在监狱里花多少呢,基恩?。

3.I just watched as if standing in the eye of a hurricane of white and blue scrubs.我就在那儿看着,仿佛站在周围是白色和蓝色线条的飓风眼中一样。

4.The species diversity indices of the scrubs did not decreased from initial stage to middle stage and to cpmax stage of succession.灌丛群落的物种多样性指数值随着演替的进行,没有表现出降低的趋势。

5.She was wearing green scrubs with a white lab coat, and a stethoscope was around her neck "Yes? "她穿着绿色消毒服外面套了一件白色外套,脖子上围着听诊器“有事吗?”

6.An innkeeper scrubs his steps, sits and reads a paper, leans against the sandstone wall and shuts his eyes. The streets are sleeping.一个旅店老板刷过台阶,坐下读报,靠着砂石墙,闭上了眼,街市睡了。

7.He was wearing basketball shorts and a T-shirt and said: 'Oh I have to get my scrubs on for this! '我正在用力生孩子,他跟我说,等一等先不要用力!

8.Next you choose from a variety of body scrubs and then relax in a flower both with a hot ginger tea.下次你选择多种放松身体,然后花灌木均用热生姜茶。

9.Putting on my scrubs and walking into the operating room, the instant gratification of many surgeries captivated me.穿上我的工作服而且走进手术室,我被在这里的手术深深的吸引住了。

10.But they knew instinctively, as they knew thoroughbred horses from scrubs , that he was not of their class.不过她们也很清楚,就像她们分得出纯种马和劣等马一样,他决不是她们这个阶级的人。