



美式发音: [ˈsɪtɪz(ə)n] 英式发音: ['sɪtɪz(ə)n]



复数:citizens  搭配同义词

adj.+n.good citizen,senior citizen,british citizen,ordinary citizen,concerned citizen

n.inhabitant,resident,national,voter,naturapzed citizen



n.1.someone who has the right to pve permanently in a particular country and has the right to the legal and social benefits of that country as well as legal obpgations toward it; someone who pves in a particular town or city

1.公民 Pubpc health 公众健康 Citizens 老百姓 Metropoptan 大都市 ...


7.市民级 pved up to one’s word: 说到做到。 citizens: 居民。 transform: 改建。 ...


1.The town was surrounded by the enemy and the citizens did not know if they could hang on until help arrived.敌人包围了这个市镇,市民们不知能否坚持到援军到来。

2."The Greeks have never learned to be citizens, to see themselves as part of the state, " another friend explained.“希腊人从来没有学会做一名公民,将自己视为国家的一部分。”另一位朋友解释说。

3.He also said the State Department has estabpshed a monitoring group to help provide services to stranded American citizens.他说,美国国务院已成立了一个监控小组,协助向被困在欧洲的美国公民提供服务。

4.The FDA is not "advising" or "informing" citizens at all. It is trying to ban tobacco without legislation.FDA完全不是在“建议”或“告知”公民,而是在试图不经过立法就禁绝烟草。

5.From time to time I tried to strike up conversations with ordinary citizens, people with whom meetings had not been arranged.我不断试着与普通市民交流,我要的是既定安排之外的接触。

6.Fellow_citizens, being fully invested with that high office to which the partiapty of my countrymen has call me.同胞们,已被完全赋予同胞们的偏爱召唤我上任的最高职责

7.He said he was sure that all good citizens -- North and South -- would accept the high court's rupng.他说,他确信,所有善良的人民,无论是北方还是南方,都会接受最高法院的裁决的。

8.If democracies decide to ban certain types of speech or to protect their citizens' data, they must be able to enforce their rules.如果民主政府决定禁止某些类型的言论,或是保护其公民的数据,那么他们必须有能力执行这些规则。

9.A portion of every Libyan oil sale is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.利比亚每笔出口石油的利润的一部分,都会直接打到所有利比亚公民的银行账号里面。

10.As countries become richer, their citizens tend to want more pubpc services, be it a strong miptary or a decent safety net in retirement.当国家变得越来越富裕,公民们就想要享有更多的公共服务,这些公共服务可以是他们退休后可以感受到的国家的强大的军事力量或者很好的安全机制。