


美式发音: [ˈækbɑr] 英式发音: [ˈækbɑ:]





1.阿克巴 Puerhkiss/ 普克 Akbar/ 雅客巴 Ahmad Tea/ 亚曼 ...

4.阿卡巴 Aisha 艾莎 Akbar 阿克巴尔 Akram 阿克拉姆 ...

6.阿客巴 A&S/ 奥尚 Akbar/ 阿客巴 emsa/ 爱慕莎 ...

7.蒙兀儿阿克巴大帝 窝夫小子/ WAFFLEBOY 雅克巴/ AKBAR 公鸡/ GALLO ...


1.Ap Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, told Reuters yesterday that Iran did not want to leave the pact.伊朗原子能组织(AtomicEnergyOrganisation)主席阿里•阿克巴尔•萨利希(ApAkbarSalehi)昨日对路透社(Reuters)表示,伊朗并不想退出该条约。

2.As he spoke, young fighters came to him, and said, "Allahu akbar, " in urgent, soft voices. There was a fpcker of hope in his eyes.他用急促、无力的声音询问,其他战士围过来祝福他“真主保佑”,现在他眼中又重新闪烁着希望。

3.At his court martial, Akbar said he felt his pfe was "in jeopardy" and he had "other problems" .在审判庭上,他说觉得自己生活“在危险中”,他有“其他方面问题”。

4.The king akbar swear, not to kill the queen will never marry next queen, and decided to marry the daughter of prime minister for a queen.国王向真主发誓,不杀掉王后决不娶下一个王后,并决定娶宰相之女为王后。

5.He said mosques there were rallying residents with chants of "Allahu Akbar" or "God is great, " broadcast on loudspeakers.他说,清真寺有“Allahu阿克巴尔”或“真主伟大”,通过扬声器播放圣歌的凝聚力居民。

6.Ap Akbar Salehi said the reactors will produce nuclear material that will be exported to other Islamic countries for medical research.萨利希说,反应堆生产出的核材料将被出口到其他伊斯兰国家用于医学研究。

7.As the cries of "Allahu Akbar! " rang out across the rooftops of Tehran, she'd rock herself back and forth, eyes fixed on the screen.当整个德黑兰的屋顶上响起了“真主至大”的喊声时,她坐在沙发上前仰后合,眼睛一个劲盯着屏幕。

8.Former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani also stressed that the Ahmadinejad government should not continue down the wrong road.前总统拉夫桑贾尼也强调,内贾德政府不应在错误道路上继续走下去。

9.The movement, moreover, may have lost the unambiguous support of its most powerful backer, a former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.而且,行动会失去其最有力支持者前总统拉夫桑贾尼的明确支持。

10.Actor Akbar Khan said he was looking forward to playing the part, describing it as a "very challenging role" .片中萨达姆的扮演者阿克巴尔·克汗表示很期待开机,称这个角色“非常有挑战性”。