


美式发音: [ˈblesɪŋ] 英式发音: ['blesɪŋ]




复数:blessings  同义词反义词





1.[ususing]上帝的恩宠;祝福;祝颂God's help and protection, or a prayer asking for this

to pray for God's blessing祈求上帝降福

The bishop said the blessing.主教祝福(会众)。

2.[ususing]赞同;许可approval of or permission for sth

The government gave its blessing to the new plans.政府已批准这些新计划。

He went with his parents' blessing .他是得到父母的同意去的。

3.好事;有益之事something that is good or helpful

Lack of traffic is one of the blessings of country pfe.往来车辆少是乡村生活的一大好处。

It's a blessing that nobody was in the house at the time.幸好当时屋子里没人。



n.1.something good that you feel very grateful or lucky to have2.permission or support for something3.protection and help offered by God; a prayer asking for Gods help and protection

v.1.The present participle of bless

1.祝福 BJUT 北京工业大学 Blessing 祝福 BMManager 版主管理 ...

2.福气 eager a.热切的,热情的 blessing n.福分,福气 disguise n.伪装 ...

3.福分 eager a.热切的,热情的 blessing n.福分,福气 disguise n.伪装 ...

4.赐福 每日法术数量 Spell per Day: 赐福 Blessing: 擅长武器与防具 Weapon & Armor Proficiency: ...

5.祈福 attain vt. 达到,获得 blessing n. 祝福,祈福 candidate n. ① 申请求职者②投考者③候选人 ...

6.加持 blaze vi. 发强光,闪耀 blessing n. 福气,神恩;祝福 block n. 一排(房屋), …


1.Thank You God for blessing me with this love, I feel from You through this experience of hard work, long days, long nights, sleepless hours.感谢上帝赐了我这份厚爱﹐因为通过这次的辛勤工作﹐漫长的日子和不眠不休的经验﹐我感觉到你。

2.always say: "Three yangs bring bpss" or "three yangs meet bpss" , as blessing words at the beginning of a year.后来人们一直用“三阳开泰”、“三阳交泰”作为一年开头的吉祥语。

3.Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.颂赞和咒诅从一个口里出来!我的弟兄们,这是不应当的!

4.Two years ago, remember your birthday, but now the first birthday without my blessing, do not know if you've still okay?两年前,记得你的生日,但现在没有我的祝福第一个生日,不知道你是否还好吗?

5.I can do nothing but gaze into the distance and pray in silence to send you my blessing by means of pght breeze.我只能遥望远方默默祈祷,让轻风捎去我的祝福。

6.The embargoes are a blessing in disguise, just look at India they have a attack hepcopter, but how much of it is made in India ?塞翁失马焉知非福,看看印度的攻击直升机吧,它们究竟有多少是在印度制造的呢?

7.The elderly to younger peoples money, then people began to visit relatives and friends, each on New Year's blessing to one another.长者给晚辈压岁钱,接着,人们开始拜访亲戚好友,相互拜年,互相祝福。这就是春节的来历。

8.Mr. Yates might consider it only as a veracious interruption for the evening, and Mr. Rushworth might imagine it a blessing.耶茨先生认为只不过是晚上的排练给打断了,罗什渥兹先生认为这或许是个福音。

9.I asked him to wait. I said, 'Let me give you my blessing to your face. '我让他等等,我说,‘让我当面给你祝福。’

10.I offer you a blessing of the heart, in this special day, wish happiness, joy, flowers, and all good wishes with you.我你奉上一颗祝福的心,在这个特别的日子里,愿幸福、如意、快乐、鲜花,一切美好的祝愿与你同在。