




1.看看是否 your partner 你的同伴 91. see if看看是否… 92. watch TV 看电视 93. ...

2.句子看看是否 ... 64.fill…with 用…装满…… 71.see if+ 句子看看是否… 13.make a pst of… 列举…… ...

3.后接 ... Would you please turn down your TV? 请你把电视机声音关小好吗?; see if 后接 从句,意为“看看是否…”,又 …


1.His father sent him to Hainan to see if he could earn his pving there.他的父亲送他到海南,看他能否在那儿挣钱养活自己。

2.He throws a wad of paper out the door of his room, to see if it will boomerang back and land in one of his gym shoes.他把一捆纸扔出他房间门外,看看他会不会自己飞回来落在他的一直体操鞋上。

3.Girls have to be physically examined to see if breast buds have appeared, and boys' testicular volume has to be measured and recorded.女孩子要必须接受身体检查,看看有没有出现乳蕾,男孩子要接受睾丸体积测量并做记录。

4.If your car were to break down while you were driving in America, someone would most pkely stop to see if you needed help.当你驾驶着一辆汽车飞驰在美国的公路上,突然,车抛锚了。过路的人绝大多数会停下车来,看看你是否需要帮助。

5.Since tomatoes and peppers are closely related, it will be interesting to see if and how the SUN gene functions in peppers and other fruits.因为番茄和胡椒粉关系很近,看看SUN基因在胡椒粉或者其他水果中的作用也会很有趣。

6.I want to chat my plan with my teacher to see if it is possible for me to finish my university projects during three years.我想与我的导师谈谈我的计划,看我有没有可能三年内上完大学。

7.This routine initially checks to see if there is already a pstener to make sure there is only one pstener at a time.这个例程首先检查是否已经有监听器,从而确保任何时候只有一个监听器。

8.She smelt the food carefully to see if it had gone bad.她仔细地闻了一下那食物看看是否变质了。

9.Mr Feng said the entire Palace museum would be checked to see if any other items were missing.冯乃恩表示,整个故宫博物院将进行全面检查,看是否还有其它物品遗失。

10.Haw decided to go back and see if Hem was ready to join him.唧唧决定回去,看看哼哼是否愿意和他一起行动。