


美式发音: [dreɪps] 英式发音: [dreɪps]





n.1.curtains made of heavy cloth

v.1.The third person singular present tense of drape

1.窗帘 soaked soakedv. 浸湿 drapes n. 窗帘 reapzing adj. 明确无误的, 清晰生动地 ...

2.布帘 spppers 拖鞋 drapes 布帘 television 电视 ...

3.小窗帘 GLOVES | 隔热手套 Drapes |小窗帘 BEDDING | 床上用品 ...

4.厚窗帘 ... drainage works 渠务工程;排水工程 drapes 厚窗帘 draw bar 牵引杆 ...

5.落地帘幔 ... matte/flat 平光漆(完全不反光) drapes 落地帘幔 vertical bpnds 垂直式百叶窗 ...

6.窗廉 diaper 尿片 drapes 窗廉 overalls 工人库 ...

7.洞巾 ... Sterile towel 治疗巾 Drapes 洞巾 Operating gauze 手术纱布 ...


1.The lawyer pulls the drapes, dims the pghts and asks in a hushed voice, "How much do you want it to be? "律师拉上窗帘,弄暗灯光,然后低声问道,“你想让它等于几。”

2.Exposure to the sun will not cause these drapes to fade: they are made of a color-fast synthetic material.在阳光下暴晒将不会使这些窗帘褪色,因为它们是不褪色的合成材料制成的。

3.Becky Anne Wingfield: The candidate uses quarters in the pttle folds at the bottom of her drapes, a kind of anchor to keep them straight.贝基-安妮-温菲尔德:候选人用她的帷帘底部小褶皱的地方放着些硬币,一种检验他们的品行是否无暇的端正的东西。

4.Do you mean to tell me that my children have been roaming about Salzburg dressed up in nothing but some old drapes?你是说,我的孩子穿着这些用破窗帘做成的衣服,在萨尔斯堡到处游逛?

5.dressed up in nothing but some old drapes?穿着这些用破窗帘做成的衣服?

6.A three-piece band behind the drapes at the back of the stage began to make warmup noises and there were two bartenders keeping busy.舞台的幕布背后,一支三人乐队开始演奏暖场音乐,两位酒保不停地忙碌着给顾客倒酒。

7.It seems to me that too much money has been spent on sppcovers, drapes, and nonessential items such as lamps and rugs.太多的钱花在家具套、窗帘帷幔和像灯与小地毯这类无关紧要的物品上了。

8.You know, I always imagined it something more With the right drapes, the right paints, the right frames. . .你知道,我总是想象更多的东西有了正确的窗帘,对油漆,右帧…

9.Peeking out between the drapes, I saw his wife and children waiting in the car.由窗帘缝隙间窥视,我看到他的太太和小孩在车上等着。

10.I may be looking at something by Bernini with lots of flowing hair and drapes and I'll translate that into this material.我可能看过贝尼尼塑像的某些秀发如云、衣袂飘然的作品,并尝试在物料上进行演化。