





6.防病毒软件 ... 看门狗定时器 Watch-Dog Timer WDT 抗病毒 Anti-Virus 抗干扰天线 Anti-interference antenn…


1.Depending upon the speed of your anti-virus and anti-malware scanners, you might be able to schedule them on the same day or night.根据你的反病毒和反恶意程序扫描的速度,你也许可以把它们安排在同一天或同一晚上。

2.It has no DLL or runtime dependencies and contains anti-virus mechanisms to prevent trojan infection (which makes it safe to share).它没有DLL或运行时的依存关系和包含的反病毒机制,以防止特洛伊木马病毒感染(这使得安全分享)。

3.Consider a case in which every operating system instance in an enterprise is required to have special anti-virus software installed.考虑这样一个情形:企业中的每个操作系统实例都需要安装特殊的杀毒软件。

4.Suppose that you have custom anti-virus software installed in one of your virtual images within the WebSphere CloudBurst catalog.假设您将定制的反病毒软件安装到了WebSphereCloudBurst目录中的其中一个虚拟映像中。

5.Essentially, thanks to Sony, anything beginning with "$sys$" would be invisible to a user and his anti-virus software.本质上,还得感谢索尼,所有以“$sys$”打头的东西对用户和他的防病毒软件都该是不可见的。

6.As always, up to date anti-virus and anti-malware software is the best solution to protect against this.一如既往地,定期地更新反病毒和反流氓软件将是抵御这种危险的最佳办法。

7.Windows Anti-Virus Mate will help you to remove spyware and malware, clean threat, make sure your antivirus software works normally.该杀软将帮助你去除间谍和恶意软件。清除威胁。确保你的杀软工作正常。

8.Extracted from jellyfish jellyfish known as anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-virus, and infected tumor for human consumption.从海蜇中提取的水母素有抗癌、抗菌、抗病毒的作用,适合肿瘤及感染者食用。

9.Safety of nano-silver appped to the human body and the exact mechanism of nano-silver anti-virus need to be further investigated.纳米银运用于人体是否安全和纳米银的确切抗病毒机制还需要进一步的深入研究。

10.Cowpea contained vitamin C can promote the synthesis of antibodies, anti-virus enhance the role of the body.豇豆中所含维生素C能促进抗体的合成,提高机体抗病毒的作用。