


美式发音: [skerd] 英式发音: [skeə(r)d]








1.害怕;恐惧;畏惧;担心frightened of sth or afraid that sth bad might happen

She is scared of going out alone.她不敢一个人外出。

He's scared of heights.他有恐高症。

People are scared to use the buses late at night.人们害怕在深夜乘坐公共汽车。

I'm scared (that) I'm going to fall.我担心自己快掉下去了。

The thieves got scared and ran away.小偷害怕了,就跑了。

a scared look惊恐的表情

I was scared to death(= very frightened) .我吓得要死。

We were scared stiff(= very frightened) .我们吓得呆若木鸡。



adj.1.frightened, or worried

v.1.The past tense and past participle of scare

1.害怕的 143 amazing a. 令人惊异的 145 scared a. 害怕的 146 cpmb v. 攀登,上升,爬 ...

2.恐惧的 notebook n 笔记本;笔记本式电脑 △ scared adj 恐惧的 △ e-pal n 网友 △ ...

3.受惊吓的 royalty/ 5rRiElti/n. 皇家,王族,皇族 scared/ /adj. 受惊吓的 safeguard/ 5seifga:d/n. 保护措施;护照 ...

4.吓坏的 △mystery n. 谜,神秘;秘密 △scared adj. 吃惊的;吓坏的 △documentary n. 记录片 ...

5.惊恐的 messy 凌乱的;肮脏的 scared 惊恐的;担惊受怕的 black eye (打得)鼻青眼肿 ...

6.吃惊的 problem 问题,麻烦 scared 吃惊的,害怕的 screen 屏幕 ...


1.For the one side scared face, it didn't easy pke put only one paste on your face, but it had to do a resin model after his face.为了做好有伤疤的那一边脸,不是在脸上涂浆糊那么简单,而是得根据他的脸型做个树脂模型。

2.to ask him for his autograph, but I am scared.我想要他的亲笔签名,但我不敢叫他签。

3."I was not scared at the time, " he said. "But I slept with Lincoln for the next six months. "“我当时并不害怕”,他说,“可在那以后的半年里,我每晚都会梦见林肯”。

4.It's all about where you know you jolly well need to let go versus where you're jo0lly well too darned scared to do any such thing.这是关于你知道自己在某些方面该放手了却又害怕不敢这么做之间的冲突。

5.Hey, never take her to a horror movie again. She was scared out of her wits when the disfigured man took off his mask.嘿,别再带她去看恐怖电影了!当那个毁容男摘下面具的时候,她吓得魂不附体了。

6.I stared at the next one and the next one and in the end my eyes began to hurt and I got scared.我瞪着眼睛,下一个,下一个,最后我的眼睛开始疼,这吓的我够呛。

7.Then, scared out of his wits, he took to his heels and led a Flock of people in a fpght all the way from heilungkiang to Kweichow Province.然后,他失魂落魄地拔步便跑,率领一群人,从黑龙江一直退到贵州省。

8.I was too scared to tell him the truth, which was that the head nurse, not the intern, assigned patient rooms.我不敢告诉他实情,实际上是护士长安排病人房间的,而不是我这实习生。

9.I was sure if I ran into him in the dark of the night I would be scared to death by his large black eyes and handlebar mustache.如果我在漆黑的晚上撞见这个人,我多半会被他的黝黑的大眼睛和他的八字胡给吓死。

10.I love going to see a good monster movie and being scared in the dark multiplex.我喜欢看好看的怪兽电影和在黑暗的电影院里受惊吓的感觉。