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1.自尊(心)a feepng of pride in yourself that what you do, say, etc. is right and good


n.1.the feepng that you are as important or as good as other people and that you should not allow them to treat you badly

1.自尊 secondhand adj. 二手的;用过的 self-respect n. 自尊;自重 send v. 送;寄;派(遣) ...

2.自重 secondhand adj. 二手的;用过的 self-respect n. 自尊;自重 send v. 送;寄;派(遣) ...

3.自尊心 当时 at that time/in those days 自尊心 self-respect/conceit 俗 vulgar/slang/common/laity ...

4.自我尊重 ... 钟 爱  , adore 自 爱  , self-respect 做 爱  , make love ...

6.尊重自我现人生的价值和意义认同感(identity) 自我实现的方式和途径自尊self-respect 自我价值的实现(value and meaning)


1.we ought to teach our young girls to have self respect here. there is a good bunch of them who do not know the meaning of the word.我们应该教育我们的年轻女孩要有自尊。她们当中有很多人不知道这个词的含义。

2."Conduct disorder is his way of gaining self-respect, " Mehta had told them.“行为失常是他获取自尊的一种方式,”当时梅塔告诉他们。

3.But self-respect early be all gonely crushed to leave a promise, appeared and don't discover this, have been inattentive as well.可是尊严早就被践踏的荡然无存的离诺,似乎并没有发现这一点,也已经并不在意。

4.as it is , every storiette , every word of every storiette , was a violation of myself , of my self - respect , of my respect for beauty.现在的情况是,每一个小故事,小故事里的每一个词语都伤害着我,伤害着我的自尊和我对美的尊重。

5.The surest way for a man to lose the respect of others (as well as his self-respect) is to violate his own values.一个男人一旦违反自我的价值观,便会立刻失去别人的尊重(以及他的自我尊重)。

6.He said, at the beginning of a harm self-respect, long slowly accustomed to, sometimes also more understanding.他说,一开始挺伤自尊的,久了就慢慢习惯了,有时候也比较能理解了。

7.I with gratitude not love my person be her to let me know self-respect.我感谢不爱我的人,是她让我懂得了自爱。

8.All this depends on us humans. So, everyone must have self-respect and pve in peace and harmony with one another.所以这都是要看人类,人人都要自爱,彼此之间一定要合和互协。

9.Of course, as his own self-respect vanished, it perished for him in Carrie.当然,随着他的自尊心的消失,嘉莉也失去了对他的尊重。

10.I approached the verge of despair; a remnant of self-respect was all that intervened between me and the gulf.我接近了绝望的边缘;只有自尊心的一点残余把我和那深渊隔开。