




1.敏茨 祖克曼 Zukerman 敏茨 Mintz 小提琴协奏曲《四季》 The Four Seaaons Concerto ...

2.明兹 普莱亚 Perahia 明兹 Mintz 李希特 Richter ...

3.明茨曼(Zukerman)、帕尔曼(Perlman)、明茨Mintz)小提琴,梅塔(Mehta)指挥以色列爱乐乐团协奏的《四季》片号:DG …

4.珉兹 ... 史奈德和史奈德1976,1996;考码罗夫1985;德克斯1987; 盖雷 Gailey 1987; (珉兹 Mintz 1985 (康莫罗夫 C…

5.明孜 杰克 明孜Mintz)的五原则。 (二)杰克M明孜(Jack MMintz)的五原则。


1."It might be, 'I can drive her to PT for the next five Thursdays, ' or 'I can bring meals for the next six months, ' " Mintz says.“我可以下五个周四开车带她去锻炼或者下六个月提供饭。”明茨说。

2.Jim Mintz, founder and president of Mintz Group, said the goal was to create a 'stark way of showing the risks of bribery. 'MintzGroup的创始人兼总裁明茨(JimMint)说,建立数据库的目的是创建一种可显示腐败风险的简单明了的方式。

3.Prof. Mintz: At this point to me it seems relatively cumbersome.Mintz教授:这点对我来说确实相对繁琐。

4.Professor Mintz, what do you think of the technique, does it have potential and can it be useful at all?Mintz教授,您怎样看待这项技术,是否有应用前景,是否有用?

5.Then we started getting orders from all over the place, "said Mintz. "“自那时开始我们就开始接到各国各地的订单”明茨这样说。

6.Mintz says it may be impossible to determine exactly where the Haitian strain came from.明茨说,很难确定海地霍乱菌种究竟来自何处。

7.The only person missing is Christopher Mintz-Plasse, but there just wasn't a spot for him.唯一缺席的人是克里斯托弗•明兹-普拉塞(ChristopherMintz-Plasse),不过这仅仅是因为没有一个合适他的角色。

8.Among the plans that Mintz has on the drawing board are tofu cookies and pastries and soy meatballs.在明茨的计划里,设计阶段还包括豆腐饼干,糕饼和酱肉丸。

9.'Announcements are very important, but you have to remember that not all of them are going to happen, ' said Mintz.明茨说,公告非常重要,但你要记住,并非所有的公告都会得到执行。

10.Prof. Mintz: It has been primarily compared to non contrast enhanced imaging.Mintz教授:一开始是基于非造影增强成像。