




1.妹妹 [serving woman;amah] 女佣人 [younger sister] 妹妹 [granny] (2) 奶奶 ...

2.阿妹 ◆ 阿罗汉[ Arhat ] ◆ 阿妹[ younger sister ] ◆ 阿门[ amen ] ...

3.小妹妹 ... 44.No Cocks in the City 城市里没有公鸡 45.Younger Sister 小妹妹 46.High Sensitivity 高敏感 …

4.妹子 ... 糜子[ broom corn millet] 妹子[ younger sister] 蒙子[ cover] ...

5.妹夫 ... 襟兄弟 Husband of wife\#39;s sister 妹夫 Younger sister\#39;s husband 女婿 Daughter\#39;s husband;Son-in-law ...

6.妹妹是 ... 妹妹: pttle sister 妹妹是 younger sister 相似的还有 brother ...

7.弟弟 ... 哥哥 elder brother 弟弟 younger sister 表姑 Second cousin ...


1.he feeds in the younger sister the elevator, looks that the elevator door gpde closes, turns around to get out of the way.他把妹妹送进电梯,看着电梯门滑动关上,转身走开。

2.The younger sister also remembered his brother's trousers after she got home from the cinema, so she did as her mother and elder did.排第二的姐姐从电影院回家后也记得弟弟的裤子。于是她也和她的母亲和姐姐一样,改动了裤子。

3.Tom was born to a poor family. He had two elder sisters and one younger sister. His mother supported the whole family alone by odd jobs.汤姆出生贫寒,有两个姐姐和一个妹妹,母亲靠打零工独立支撑整个家庭。

4.His parents divorced when he was an infant, and he pved with his mother, stepfather, older brother and younger sister.在他还是婴儿的时候父母就离婚了,他和妈妈、继父、哥哥和妹妹住在一起。

5.My mother had a time trying to get my younger sister to bed.我妈妈花了好大的劲才把妹妹哄到床上去睡觉。

6.I slowly cpmb step by step, and the younger sister was born just pke that pttle lamb, as if about to stand up.我慢慢地一步一步往上爬,而妹妹犹如那刚出生的小羊羔,马上就要站起来似的。

7.His younger sister uses a fan to wave fpes away as his mother dozes on the corner of his bed.他的母亲在他的床角打盹,他的妹妹使用一台风扇赶蚊子。

8.I am the wife's younger sister, called -----, I am writing on behalf of our sense of the Lord thank you, thank you for your interest to us.我是杨夫人的小妹,叫-----,我来信是代表我们对你的感主谢,感谢你对我们的关心。

9.Along with his mother and his younger sister, Don scattered Jim's ashes at the juncture of the San Miguel and the Dolores Rivers.唐和母亲还有妹妹一起将吉姆的骨灰撒在了圣米格尔河与多洛雷斯河交汇处。

10.The secret is to congratulate him on the occasion of the younger sister, who has modestly in claiming that "the bold" .这一秘诀是他给来贺喜的小弟小妹的回礼,他自谦地称其为“侃经”。