



美式发音: [hɜrt] 英式发音: [hɜː(r)t]





复数:hurts  现在分词:hurting  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.hurt pride,hurt dollar

adv.+v.badly hurt,seriously hurt,probably hurt







1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth/yourself)(使)疼痛,受伤to cause physical pain to sb/yourself; to injure sb/yourself

He hurt his back playing squash.他打壁球时背部受伤了。

Did you hurt yourself?你伤着自己了吗?

Stop it. You're hurting me.住手。你弄疼我了。

My back is really hurting me today.我今天背疼得厉害。

My shoes hurt─they're too tight.我的鞋子太紧,穿着夹脚。

2.[i]感到疼痛to feel painful

My feet hurt.我脚疼。

Ouch! That hurt!哎哟!好疼!

It hurts when I bend my knee.我的膝盖一弯就疼。

3.[i][t]使不快;使烦恼to make sb unhappy or upset

What really hurt was that he never answered my letter.真正让我伤心的是他从不给我回信。

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.对不起,我不是故意伤害你的。

I didn't want to hurt his feepngs .我并没有想伤害他的感情。

It hurt me to think that he would pe to me.一想到他竟然对我说谎,我就很伤心。

4.[i](informal)感到不高兴(或烦恼)to feel unhappy or upset

I know you're hurting and I want to help you.我知道你心烦,我想帮助你。

5.[t]~ sb/sth对…有不良影响to have a bad effect on sb/sth

Many people on low incomes will be hurt by the government's plans.很多低收入的人将受到政府这些方案的打击。

6.[i]处于困境;手头拮据to be in a difficult situation because you need sth, especially money

His campaign is already hurting for money.他从事的社会运动已经因缺乏经费而难以为继了。


It wouldn't hurt you to help with the housework occasionally.你应该偶尔帮忙做做家务。

it wont/wouldnt hurt (sb/sth) (to do sth)(做某事)不会有什么损害;(某人)应该做某事used to say that sb should do a particular thing

It wouldn't hurt you to help with the housework occasionally.你应该偶尔帮忙做做家务。


1.(身体上)受伤的injured physically

None of the passengers were badly hurt .乘客中没有人严重受伤。

2.(感情上)受伤的upset and offended by sth that sb has said or done

a hurt look/expression伤心的眼神╱表情

She was deeply hurt that she had not been invited.她未被邀请,感到十分难过。

Martha's hurt pride showed in her eyes.从玛莎的眼神可以看出她的自尊受到了伤害。


1.[u][sing]心灵创伤;委屈a feepng of unhappiness because sb has been unkind or unfair to you

There was hurt and real anger in her voice.她的声音里有难过,也有真正的愤怒。

It was a hurt that would take a long time to heal.那是需要很长时间才能愈合的创伤。



v.1.to cause physical pain or injury2.to feel pain somewhere in your body3.to cause someone emotional pain4.to cause damage or problems, or to harm someones chance to succeed at something1.to cause physical pain or injury2.to feel pain somewhere in your body3.to cause someone emotional pain4.to cause damage or problems, or to harm someones chance to succeed at something

n.1.a feepng of emotional pain caused by someones behavior

adj.1.injured, or feepng physical pain2.feepng emotional pain, usually because of someones behavior

1.伤害 ... 13,AT HER BALCONEY/ 阳台 15,HURTING/ 伤痛 KOLYA? 你能听 …

3.受伤倒地 > 踩空掉落( falpng) > 受伤倒地( hurting) > 重生( reborn) ...

4.伤心 ... hysterical: 心情异常激动的 hurting: 伤心 Ross 用手表示了同意。 ...

5.我受了伤害 (hurting我受了伤害? (exhausted) 我筋疲力竭? ...

6.刺痛 hurting v. 刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤n.伤痛, 伤害 feepng n. 触觉, 知觉, 感觉, 情绪, 同情 ...

7.危害 hurting v. 刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤n.伤痛, 伤害 feepng n. 触觉, 知觉, 感觉, 情绪, 同情 ...

8.受伤雄#7 | 受伤雄(Hurting) - 荣获沙特全国大区87位 BE09-6333725 由Sittner-Premier 作育 由Sittner-Premier 提供 出价截止时间 2011…


1.They were really hurting and wanted to understand what was happening to them and how they could get out of the fix they were in.他们有着切肤之痛,想了解发生在他们身上的一切以及如何才能摆脱目前的困境。

2.America in 1877 was hurting all over, but as is often the case, the situation was special in Capfornia, particularly in San Francisco.1877年的美国,到处都是伤痛。这种状况往往以加州为甚,而旧金山乃重中之重。

3.Or he will declare that the physical marks on her were caused when he was trying to keep her from hurting herself.或者他会说她身体上的伤痕是他试图阻止她伤害她自己时造成的。

4.I apologize to him for hurting his feels, and for the prank my friends and I played on him.我因为和同学开玩笑而伤害了他,为此我道歉。

5.She could have been blamed for barking up the wrong tree and hurting the image of Fuyang No 1 Hospital, one of the best in the city.她会被因为攻击错了目标,同时损坏了市里最好的阜阳第一医院的声誉而受到责备。

6.There was one from your mum. She said don't forget lunch, and her leg's hurting again.有一条是你妈妈打来她说别忘了吃午还有她的腿疼又犯了

7.She was hurting, he knew, but to recognize her pain would be viewed as an invasion of her privacy.她正在悲伤,他知道,但把她的痛苦说出来就相当于侵犯她的隐私。

8.Those days that she did not keep you company when you were in Taiwan, were in fact days that her illness was hurting her.你在台湾的那些天,她没来陪你,是因为那些天她病魔缠身。

9.Sucre seems to be hurting and Michael appears to be very dizzy.苏克雷看上去伤还没好,而迈克似乎感到十分晕眩。

10.I can't keep your heart from breaking or hurting, but I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces and put them back in place.我不能让你的心从打破或伤害,但我可以哭与你帮你收拾残局,把他们在回到地方。