



美式发音: [əˈpraɪz] 英式发音: [ə'praɪz]



第三人称单数:apprises  现在分词:apprising  过去式:apprised  



v.1.to tell someone about something

1.通知 Activated 激活 Apprised 通知 Averted 避免 ...

2.告知 B. apprised 告知 C. appreciated 欣赏 ...

3.通报 ... trauma 外伤,损伤 apprised 通报 beginning u 开端,开始;c起源 ...


1.When they've been apprised of your emergency action plan ahead of time, they're better prepared to help.当他们对你的紧急行动计划有了提前的了解,那么他们就可以为紧急救援做更充分的准备。

2.He was not conscious of an effort, but a sharp pain in his wrist apprised him that he was trying to free his hands.他未意识到他求生的努力,但是他手腕上的剧烈痛楚却提醒他释放他的双手。

3.Getting to know others throughout your organization can help you stay apprised of new developments within the company.认识各个部门的人能帮助你了解公司内部的新发展。

4.The speaker seems to be fairly apprised of the situation in the Far East.报告人似乎对中东局势相当熟悉。

5.Keep administrative and operational management apprised of status of ordering, problems, resolutions, expected depvery times, etc.与行政及职能管理部门及时沟通订单情况,遇到的问题,解决方案及预计到货时间等信息。

6.Part of this commitment includes keeping our customers apprised of changes that may affect them.我们对此付诸的努力包括随时让客户了解那些影响到他们的变化。

7.The next phase is to take the timetable they have long been apprised of and enact it.下一阶段就是要把他们早已获悉,并制定的时间表。

8.Our products are sold in major oil field at home and abroad , and get a highly apprised from user .公司产品远销国内外各大油田,并得到广大用户的一致好评。

9.The club members were immediately apprised of his change of plans.俱乐部成员们即刻被告知了其计划的变更。

10.Keeps management apprised of their progress through timely reporting to the Results Manager.通过向集成经理做及时汇报,使管理层对进程进行评估。