




1.狗与猫 ... 阿拉丁神灯 midas-touch 狗与猫 dog-and-cat 小龙去农场 dragon goes to the far…


1.Their conversation, previously concentrated on my mother-in-law's dog and cat, is now switched to my baby after his birth.昔日的热线主题总是丈母娘家的小狗和小猫,后来又变成了咱家的小宝贝。

2.Signs , banners and even four - legged companion animals spread the word about China's dog and cat fur trade !标志、标语,甚至还有遍布世界各地的四条腿的动物都在反对中国的猫狗皮毛交易!

3.A woman presents a chow-chow dog in a bee costume during the Zoo Russia International Dog and Cat Exhibition in Moscow April 16 2006.一名女子介绍蜜蜂服装在动物园俄罗斯国际狗和猫展,2006年4月16日在莫斯科一个遝狗。

4.Whereas in Europe the dog- and cat-food markets are equal, in Latin America dog food outsells cat food by nearly six to one.在欧洲,猫狗食品市场份额相等,但在拉美,狗粮的销售差不多是猫粮的六倍。

5.The ban on eating dog and cat meat is part of a larger proposal to toughen laws on animal welfare.禁食狗肉和猫肉的禁令是一项提议实施强化关于动物权益的更大举措的组成部分。

6.An attempt to persuade the Congress to ban the eating of dog- and cat-meat has captivated the Chinese press and caused an uproar.公众为说服人大能出台法律性政策来禁止食用猫肉和狗肉所做出的努力引起了中国媒体的极大兴趣,也在社会各界引起一片哗然。

7.At the more prosaic end of the market, sales of dog and cat food are also soaring.在更为平淡的市场终端上,销售狗食和猫食同样火爆。

8.Are your dog and cat behind the door?你们的狗和猫在门后面吗?

9.Pollsters say that 40 percent of dog and cat owners carry pictures of the pets in their wallets.民意调查员说40%的狗和猫的主人会在他们的钱包里放自己宠物的照片。

10.As many dog and cat owners can attest, neutered male animals often pve longer than their intact counterparts.正如许多狗和猫的主人可证实的那样,阉割的雄性动物比它们的同类活得更长。