




1.轴种反应:1)透过内分泌中的重要系统下视丘-脑下腺-肾上腺皮质轴(HPA axis)抑制了肾上腺皮质醇(cortisol)分泌;2)造血细 …

3.肾上腺轴NF-α含量增加所致慢性免疫激活状态、丘脑—垂体—肾上腺轴(HPA axis)功能激活削弱有关,而和SOD和AchE关系不大。

4.肾上腺皮质轴系等引起一系列非特异性定型反应,表现为下丘脑—垂体—肾上腺皮质轴系HPA axis)及交感神经—肾上腺髓质系统的兴奋…

5.一肾上腺轴再者,红景天对下丘脑一垂体一肾上腺轴HPA axis)有抑制作用。此前已有研究发现抑郁症患者存在下丘脑一垂体一肾上腺 …


1.Conclusion Melatonin can exert inhibition to HPA axis of normal and diabetic rats in various levels directly or indirectly.结论褪黑素能在不同层次直接或间接地发挥对正常和糖尿病大鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴的抑制作用。

2.People with poorly controlled diabetes often have an overactive HPA axis and excessive cortisol produced by the adrenal gland.血糖控制不好的糖尿病患者通常有一个过度活跃的HPA,肾上腺产生过多氢化考的松。

3.No suppression of the HPA axis was seen in any of the patients treated once daily.在所有的每天用药一次的患者身上都没有发现HPA被抑制。

4.The hippocampus normally exhibits an inhibitory effect on the HPA axis.正常情况下海马在HPA轴中起抑制作用。

5.How may these alterations in the HPA axis produce depression?HPA轴的这些改变怎样产生抑郁症?

6.Part 2, the changes of HPA axis in the rat model of syndrome of iver invading the spleen, and Xiaoyao sans radioimmunoassay of regulation.实验二,肝郁脾虚证大鼠HPA轴变化及逍遥散调节作用的放射免疫研究。

7.Objective: To observe the effect of Zuogui pill and Yougui pill on the morphologic changes of HPA axis organisms in senile rat.目的:观察左归丸、右归丸对老年大鼠HPA轴所属组织形态结构变化的影响。

8.Effect of cervical sympathetic gangpa block on HPA axis in mice with combined radiation and burn injury and its related mechanisms颈交感神经阻滞对放烧复合伤小鼠HPA轴的调节及相关机制研究

9.Influence of Acupuncture on HPA Axis in a Rat Model of Chronic Stress-induced Depression针刺对慢性应激抑郁模型大鼠HPA轴的影响

10.Effects of hippocampal NMDA receptor on HPA axis activity following severe burn海马NMDA受体在大鼠严重烫伤后HPA轴兴奋性变化中的作用