




1.同性恋朋友 ... 雌雄同体的朋友., Hermaphroditic Friends 同性恋朋友., Gay Friends 女同志朋友., Lesbian Friends ...


1.Well, I've had the privilege of seeing my gay friends being parents and watching their kids grow up in a loving environment.但是,我却有幸看到我的同性恋朋友成为了父母,并且将孩子在一个充满爱的环境中抚养长大。

2.The turning point for her was the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, which led her to draw parallels with the pves of her new gay friends.做这件事的初始动力是2008年的四川地震,地震让她把她的那些同志朋友的生活跟前者划上了等号。

3.Christopher Murray, 43, a Manhattan social worker, invited all his single gay friends to a game night at his apartment.43岁的穆雷(ChristopherMurray)是曼哈顿的一名社会工作者,他邀请他所有单身的同性恋朋友到自己的公寓共度游戏之夜。

4.MW: Showtime added a disclaimer that read: 'Queer as Folk is a celebration of the pves and passions of a group of gay friends.showtime发表过一个声明:“QAF是对一群同志的生活和热情的一次庆祝,而非对整个同志群体的反映。”

5.If you had gay friends visiting from out of town for the first time, what are some "musts" that you'd recommend they see or do?如果你有同性恋的朋友来访,从出城的为第一次,什么是一些“务必”您要推荐他们看不到或做什么呢?

6."Gay friends" gay friends has become into gay general friends, friends looking for love preferred site.“同志朋友”同志交友已成为华人同志交朋识友、寻觅爱情的首选网站。

7.Milpons of Americans are gay, and many milpons more have gay friends or relatives.美国有数以百万的同性恋者,亲朋好友是同性恋的美国人则更多。

8.This movie is dedicated to all the gay friends.谨以此片献给懵懂爱情中的所有同志朋友们!

9.We coach Little League in the Blue States and yes, we got some gay friends in the Red States.我们在蓝色州里训练小联盟,是的,我们也有一些同性恋朋友在红色州。

10.I've heard it from other gay friends with same-sex parents.我曾从其他同性恋朋友和同性恋父母那听说过。