


美式发音: [ˈhɑrməˌnaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)mənaɪz]



第三人称单数:harmonizes  现在分词:harmonizing  过去式:harmonized  同义词反义词


v.go with,match,blend,complement,tone



1.[i]~ (with sth)(和某事物)协调,和谐if two or more thingsharmonize with each other or one thingharmonizes with the other, the things go well together and produce an attractive result

The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings.那栋新楼与周围环境不协调。

2.[t]~ sth使(不同国家或组织的体制或规则)相一致;使协调to make systems or rules similar in different countries or organizations

the need to harmonize tax levels across the European Union使欧盟各国的税收标准相一致的必要

3.[i]~ (with sb/sth)为(主调)配和声to play or sing music that combines with the main tune to make a pleasing sound

v.1.使调和,使一致;使和睦,调停2.【乐】给(曲调等)配和声3.调和;融洽 (with);相称 (with)4.成为谐调1.使调和,使一致;使和睦,调停2.【乐】给(曲调等)配和声3.调和;融洽 (with);相称 (with)4.成为谐调

v.1.if things harmonize, they combine in a pleasant way2.to make laws or popcies similar to those of a different country, organization, etc.3.to sing or play different notes at the same time, producing a pleasant combination of sounds

1.协调 [harmonious] 和谐 [harmonize] 调和;配合适当;协调 [make fun of] 调笑戏弄,逗闹 ...

2.和谐 Harmonic Generator 谐波发生器 Harmonize (使)和谐,校音 Harmony 和谐 ...

3.调和 [harmonious] 和谐 [harmonize] 调和;配合适当;协调 [make fun of] 调笑戏弄,逗闹 ...

4.使调和 ponize 崇拜,看重 harmonize 使调和,使一致 synchronize 使同步 ...

5.使一致 ponize 崇拜,看重 harmonize 使调和,使一致 synchronize 使同步 ...

6.协调,和谐 Harmonious adj. 和谐的 Harmonize v. (使)协调,(使)和谐 Harmony n. 协调,融洽 ...

7.使和谐 harmonious 和谐的;和睦的 harmonize 使和谐;使一致 combination 联合,结合;组合 ...

8.协和 ... 详和 serene;calm 协和 mediate;harmonize;cooperation 撷取、转换和下载 extraction,transformation,and loading ...


1.From "no emotions involved in laws" to "harmonize emotions with laws" , it's been a systematic project of creating a "harmonious society" .从“法不容情”到“融情于法”是构建“和诣社会”的内在要求,是一个系统工程。

2.When certain notes are played together and produce a pleasant effect, we say that they harmonize.当一些音调在共同演奏时产生优美的声音效果,我们称之为合奏。

3.It is intended that this International Standard be utipzed to harmonize risk management processes in existing and future standards.本国际标准目的是用来协调风险管理与现有的和未来的标准之间的流程。

4.To be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind. Let's do it!但是,要想游得好,你必须不断地训练,如果要成为出色的游泳能手,你必须练上好几年,直到你大脑和身体的各部分变得非常和谐。

5.The colours do not seem to harmonize .这些色彩看起来一点也不谐调。

6.Harmonize and synchronize with the operation of Nature. Even doing so , you need not know the secret of the operation and its process .与大自然的总体运作和谐同步,你不必知道大自然运作的秘密,也不必明白其过程。

7.Art and esthetic, as a media to harmonize individual's all-round and social development, become the end-result of modern being's . . .艺术和审美作为个体完满发展与社会的发展相协调的中介,成为近代人心灵生活的归宿和内在问题的解决途径。

8.And if he starts to whimper, I'll just harmonize with him.从来不大声哭,如果他开始呜咽,我就逗他。

9.Urban housing must comply with the overall planning of the city and harmonize with the general charicteristics of the city.城市住宅必须同城市的总体规划要求相一致,同城市的总体风格相协调。

10.The upper and under portions of the building do not harmonize.这建筑物的上下部分不协调。